
  • 网络Support Process;supporting process
  1. RationalMethodComposer和EPFC完全支持过程改进努力,并且是目前可用的最佳的工具。

    Rational Method Composer and EPFC fully support process improvement efforts and are two of the best tools available today .

  2. 支持过程域包含了支持产品开发和维护的全部活动。

    Support process areas cover the activities that support product development and maintenance .

  3. IBM还提供了增强的支持过程集成的专业服务,包括SOA设计、部署和集成服务,以及设计管理和计划。

    IBM also offers enhanced professional services supporting process integrity , including SOA Design , Development and Integration Services as well as management design and planning .

  4. 它也可以帮助我们更好地理解信息技术在传统学校教育中的应用,为设计和开发支持过程与活动的ICT教育应用模式提供有效的途径。

    LD can help us apprehend the application of information technology in traditional instruction better , then provide a effective approach for designing and developing educational paradigm of ICT application for supporting learning processes and activities .

  5. 随着制造系统信息复杂性的不断增长,NIST提出并研究了过程规范语言(PSL),专门用于复杂制造过程的信息建模和支持过程集成。

    As the increasing complexity of manufacturing information system , NIST brings forward the project of PSL ( Process Specification Language ), the goal of which is to model the complicated manufacturing system and back up the integration of different process application software .

  6. 汽车企业构建TS16949质量体系,需结合企业实际,运用过程方法识别顾客导向过程、管理过程和支持过程,设计过程绩效指标,搭建文件化质量体系框架。

    For establishment of this system , the auto company need use the process measure to recognize customer-oriented process , management process and supporting process and design process performance target to build quality system frame by document , in considering the practical situation .

  7. 以减少模糊并且以整体方式支持过程。

    Serves to reduce ambiguity and support the process as a whole .

  8. 必须阐明核心过程,支持过程和管理过程。

    Core processes , support processes and management processes must be addressed .

  9. 决策支持过程控制:问题-模型-求解递阶分层法

    Controlling Decision Support Processes by Problem-Model-Solution Hierarchical Method

  10. 支持过程柔性的质量管理系统研究与实现

    Research and implementation of quality system with process-flexibility

  11. 支持过程改进的工作流仿真研究

    Study on Workflow Simulation for Process Improvement

  12. 控制财务报表和支持过程

    Control over financial reporting and supporting proces

  13. 最后,本文发现在农村空巢老人所获精神支持过程中隐含着一种社会交换关系。

    Lastly the paper finds that a social exchange is hidden in the Mental support .

  14. 支持过程域所包含的过程经常在其他过程的上下文中执行。

    The Support process areas address processes that are used in the context of performing other processes .

  15. 本文首先研究并建立了IT服务支持过程的元模型。

    Faced with these challenges , an IT Service Support process metamodel was presented in this paper .

  16. 随着电信业务的不断创新,经营分析和决策支持过程提出对电信产品数据一致性的要求。

    Business analysis and decision support Business Analysis require consistent products data with innovation of telecom service .

  17. 在图形化的过程建模工具中,通过节点属性窗口,可以方便地定义活动的基本属性,并支持过程模型的基本语法校验。

    As the process modeling tool , user can define many basic properties of activity by dialogs .

  18. 当它用于业务过程管理时,它不能很好地支持过程建模。

    When it is used for business process management , it doesn 't properly support the modelling aspect .

  19. 设立管理层在向职工沟通管理层对新使命的支持过程中的角色和职责。

    Establishes the roles and responsibilities of management in communicating their support for this new mission to the workforce .

  20. 有相当多的标准支持过程管理系统的设置。

    There are quite a few standards which support the setting up of process management systems for an organization .

  21. 为了建立支持过程改进的软件度量过程,研究了几种与过程改进有关的度量标准、模型。

    In order to establish the software measurement process for software process improvement , several standards and models were investigated .

  22. 同时必须熟悉应用程序和数据支持过程以及系统编程代码及基础设施知识。

    Candidates must be familiar with application and database support process and have knowledge of system programming code and infrastructure .

  23. 而在财政支持过程中也存在着不少问题,这些都成了制约落后地区经济发展的瓶颈。

    And many problems exist in financial support , which have become the bottleneck to the economic development in backward areas .

  24. 同样,这也能在支持过程中为我们提供高质量的问题描述。

    It will also provide us with higher quality description of problems people are having by going through a support process .

  25. 在决策支持过程中,模型库发挥了举足轻重的作用,是其核心所在。

    During the process of decision support , Model Base has played a decisive role and is considered as the core of DSS .

  26. 使用开发案例和评审记录可以以这种方式支持过程与全部工作产品质量的改进。

    In this way , using both the Development Case and Review Record supports process improvement and improves the quality of all work products .

  27. 并行设计是现代机械设汁与制造科学的研究热点,它是一种对产品及其相关过程(包括制造过程和支持过程)进行并行和集成设计的系统化工作模式。

    Concurrent design is a hot topic of the modern engine designing and making . It is a systematic work mode to product and correlation process .

  28. 第五章,根据服务联盟的聚合过程,研究了相应支持过程决策的关键方法。

    In chapter 5 , according to the aggregation process to form a service alliance , some new decision methods of those key processes are proposed .

  29. 产品的实现过程使组织获得增值的产品。产品的支持过程对组织也是必要的,它们间接产生增值。

    While realization processes result in products that add value to the organization , support processes are also necessary to the organization and add value indirectly .

  30. 一个成功的、有效的项目组合管理实施的关键是一个知识渊博的项目组合经理以及一个包含项目管理原则的支持过程。

    The keys to a successful and effective PPM implementation are a knowledgeable portfolio manager ( s ) and a supporting process that incorporates project management disciplines .