
zhī xiàn
  • branch line;extension;feeder;siding;lay by;side road
支线 [zhī xiàn]
  • [extension] 线路的分支

  • 一条铁路的支线

支线[zhī xiàn]
  1. 铁路公司修建了一条通往布赖特灵西的支线,以便直接将鱼运送到比林斯门。

    The railway company extended a branch line to Brightlingsea to convey fish direct to Billingsgate .

  2. CO2激光器支线相干性动态再建过程的实验观察

    Observation on the Reconstructing Process of CO_2 Laser Branch Line Coherence

  3. 支线航空公司航班飞往偏僻地区。商务旅客就是会前往那些地区的人。

    Commuter airlines fly to out-of-the-way places . And business travelers are the ones who go to those locations .

  4. 一种提高波导CO2激光器支线分辨能力的方法

    A new method for improving line discrimination of CO_2 waveguide lasers

  5. 最近我乘坐美联航快运(UnitedExpress)的一趟支线航班也有相似的遭遇。

    I had a similar experience on a recent United Express regional jet flight .

  6. 采用BT融资方式投资建设北京地铁奥运支线

    Building Olympic Branch Line of Beijing Subway by the Investment of BT Mode Financing

  7. 浅析北京地铁奥运支线BT模式的优势和风险

    On advantages and risks of BT model for Olympic branch line for metro in Beijing

  8. W航运有限公司一直在珠三角地区经营集装箱支线运输,竞争压力非常大,公司在营运过程中面临着很多严峻的问题。

    W Shipping Co. Ltd. has been operating in container feeder service of Pearl River Delta region with great pressure of competition .

  9. 根据由速率方程导出的CO2分子受激发射截面测量式,用脉冲增益放大技术测量了不同工作条件下CO2分子00°1~10°O跃迁7条支线的受激发射截面。

    On the basis of measured expression from the rate equation , the stimulated-emission cross sections of seven lines of CO2 laser from 00 ? - 10 ?

  10. 支线机场GNSS非精密进近的成本/效益分析法

    Cost-Benefit Analysis of GNSS Non-precision Approach on Feeder-Route Aerodromes

  11. PrimusEpic系统将用于21世纪公务/支线飞机驾驶舱的设计

    Primus Epic System for Cockpit Design in the 21st Century

  12. 但是,新进入支线客机市场的并非只有中国,日本的三菱重工(mitsubishiheavyindustries)也在开发一种70到90座的客机。

    China , however , is not the only new entrant to the regional jet market , with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan developing a 70-90-seat airliner .

  13. ATR支线飞机的开发思路

    Design Philosophy of ATR Regional Aircraft

  14. 皮卡德明显是在盯着财力雄厚的公司,因为汇丰、瑞银等托管人的信托责任,要小于推荐马多夫支线基金(feederfunds)的基金经理和销售人员。

    Mr Picard is clearly going after deep pockets since custodians such as HSBC and UBS had lesser fiduciary duties than fund managers or marketers who recommended the Madoff feeder funds .

  15. EFIS目前被用在西铁和东铁支线中。

    EFIS is currently used in West Rail and East Rail Extensions .

  16. 支线加载三维对称凝缩节点TLM方法中TLM网格对波的数值调制效应

    The Effect of a wave Modulated by TLM Mesh in the stub-Load 3D symmetrical condensed Node TLM Method

  17. 在已认罪的马多夫庞氏骗局案子中,KP不会因涉及审计其支线基金而受到起诉。

    KPMG will not be sued in a case involving the accountancy firm 's auditing of a'feeder fund'into confessed swindler Bernard Madoff 's ponzi scheme .

  18. 北京地铁奥运支线工程是我国在轨道交通设施建设领域首次采用建设-转让(Build-Transfer,BT)融资方式实施的项目。

    Beijing Subway Olympic Branch Line is the first project utilizing BT ( Build-Transfer ) mode financing for the rail transit construction in China .

  19. ARJ21是中国首款涡轮风扇支线客机。

    The ARJ21 is China 's first turbo-fan regional passenger jetliner model .

  20. 中国商用飞机公司(Comac,中国商飞)正在开发小型支线客机ARJ21和更大的单通道客机C919。

    Comac is developing the ARJ21 , a small regional jet , and the larger single-aisle C919 .

  21. 针对中小支线机场,给出GNSS仪表非精密进近与传统陆基导航设施下的仪表非精密进近的成本/效益分析方法。

    The cost benefit analysis methods for the GNSS non precision approach and the traditional non precision instrument approach are given as reference for middle or small feeder route aerodromes .

  22. 中心辐射(Hub-and-spoke)表示一种典型的美国空中客运模式:乘客在大型的中心机场(hub)之间被运送,然后再转机前往靠近目的地的支线机场。

    Hub-and-spoke refers to the typically US model of passengers being processed through large " hub " airports and then on to secondary flights to " spoke " airports near their final destination .

  23. 俄罗斯能源部长维克多赫里斯坚科(viktorkhristenko)表示,通往中国的支线应该可以在2008年底前启用。

    Viktor Khristenko , Russian energy minister , said the spur line to China should be operational by late 2008 .

  24. 测量半导体材料中氧含量的微区分布,需要9.1μm附近、基模、1W左右且支线稳定、结构紧凑的CO2激光器。本文对这种激光器的设计方案进行了实验研究。

    The design of a CW CO_2 laser with output characters of 1W , 9.1 μ m TEM_ ( oo ) mode which is to be used for measuring micro-distribution of oxygen in semiconductor material is studied experimentally .

  25. 昆明东连接支线工程深路堑设计中路堑深度较高,达34m;

    In the deep road bed design of Branch Road Project of Kunming Eastern Connection Road the road bed has higher depth to 34m .

  26. 国有企业中航商用飞机有限公司制造的第一架支线客机ARJ21上约有一半的设备是由美国公司制造的。

    About half of the equipment on the ARJ21 , the first regional jet made by government-run AVIC I Commercial Aircraft Co.

  27. 英国、法国和日本的数家大银行曾向投资于伯纳德·马多夫(BernardMadoff)的多个支线基金放贷巨额资金,从而帮助投资者以三至四倍的杠杆比率,加码押注于这位涉嫌欺诈者。

    Big banks from the UK , France and Japan helped investors treble or quadruple their bets on Bernard Madoff by lending billions of dollars to feeder funds , which placed their money with the alleged fraudster .

  28. 中国计划明年推出自主研发的约100座的支线客机arj-21。

    China is planning to launch next year a homemade regional jet , the ARJ-21 , with about 100 seats .

  29. 三菱重工将在政府的资助下,生产70至90座的MRJ支线客机,而全日空的订单是该飞机的首批订单。

    The order is the first for the MRJ , a 70-90 seat regional jet to be built by Mitsubishi with government funding .

  30. 本论文所研究的贵州省荔波机场是以旅游为主的支线机场,飞行区等级指标本期为3C,远期拟扩建为4C。

    Libo airport researched in this paper is a lateral airport with main intent to tour . The grade index in flight area is 3C at this date and 4C at a future date by scale-up construction .