
zhī liàn ān jī suān
  • branched chain amino acid
  1. 结论牛磺酸和支链氨基酸对CCl4所致的肝细胞损伤具有保护功能,其保护作用可能是通过抗脂质过氧化作用实现的。

    Conclusion Taurine and branched chain amino acid can protect the hepatocytes injured by CCl 4 . The possible mechanism is the prevention of lipid peroxidation in cultured hepatocellular injury .

  2. 支链氨基酸与芳香氨基酸之比(BCAA/AAA)在分流术前小于2,对照则大于3,术前术后两组变化均不明显。

    The preoperative branched chain amino acid ( BCAA ) / aromatic amino acid ( AAA ) ratio was less than 2 in the PH group and larger than 3 in the GE group after operation .

  3. 支链氨基酸对mRNA翻译起始的调控作用

    Regulation of mRNA Translation Initiation by Branched - Chain Amino Acids

  4. 高F值寡肽是一种具有高支链氨基酸含量和低芳香族氨基酸含量组成的小肽混合物。

    The high F value few-peptide is one kind of small peptide mixture contain high branch amino acid and low aromatic amino acid .

  5. 支链氨基酸对腹部术后疲劳综合征大鼠模型TPHmRNA表达的影响

    Effects of Branched-chain Aminoacids on Expression of TPH mRNA in Rat Abdominal Postoperative Fatigue Syndrome

  6. 组分Ⅳ和组分B的支链氨基酸、芳香族氨基酸和脯氨酸总和占结构氨基酸的含量分别为29.66%和45.14%。

    In component ⅳ and B , the summation of branched chain amino acid and contents of aromatic amino acid and Pro were 29.66 % and 45.14 % to their structural amino acid respectively .

  7. 目的:研究富含支链氨基酸(Branchedchainaminoacid,BCAA)的复方氨基酸制剂对全胃切除术后的营养支持效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of branched-chain amino acid ( BCAA ) enriched solution on total parenteral nutritional support in patients after total gastrectomy .

  8. 目的:探讨支链氨基酸(BCAA)对提高大鼠运动耐力的作用。

    Objective : The effect of branched chain amino acids ( BCAA ) on exercise capability were investigated .

  9. 支链氨基酸(BCAA)是畜禽的必需氨基酸,对畜禽具有重要的营养生理作用。

    Branched chain amino acids ( BCAA ) are indispensable amino acids for animals , and have important nutritional and physiological functions .

  10. 目的:探讨在运动状态下,支链氨基酸(BCAA)对大鼠和小鼠蛋白质代谢的影响。

    Objective : Effect of branched chain amino acid ( BCAA ) on protein metabolism was studied in exercised rats and mice .

  11. 目的观察富含丙氨酰谷氨酰胺(AlaGLN)和支链氨基酸(BCAA)的氨基酸注射液,对创伤大鼠的营养支持效果。

    Objective To observe the effects of amino acids solution rich with alanylglutamine ( Ala-Gln ) and branched-chain amino acids ( BCAA ) on traumatized rats .

  12. 危重病人宜采用低热高支链氨基酸的方案,重症急性胰腺炎宜选用阶段性营养支持疗法,消化道手术后胃麻痹首选TPN治疗。

    The patients with severe acute pancreatitis may be suitable for staged nutrition support and the patients with gastric paralysis after digestive tract operation may be treated with TPN firstly .

  13. 目的:探讨补充支链氨基酸(BCAA)对划船运动员不同负荷运动后及恢复期糖代谢和糖异生的影响。

    Objective This study was to investigate the effects of branched-chain amino acid ( BCAA ) supplementation on the metabolism of glucose and gluconeogenesis .

  14. 目的:观察支链氨基酸(BCAA)对大鼠心肌缺血损伤的预防作用。方法:选用Wistar大鼠30只,随机分成三个组,每组10只。

    In order to study the preventive effects of BCAA on ischemic myocardium in rat , 30 Wistar rats were randomly divided into 3 groups and 10 rats in each group .

  15. 目的观察富含支链氨基酸(BCAA)的氨基酸配方对胃肠外科手术创伤患者的营养支持效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of the formula of amino acid enriched branch chain amino acid ( BCAA ) on nutritional support in postoperative traumatic patients .

  16. 目的:观察不平衡支链氨基酸疗法联合氟尿嘧啶(5FU)对荷瘤大鼠营养及生存状况的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of the combination of imbalanced branched-chain amino acids and 5-fluorouracil ( 5-FU ) on nutritional and survival condition of tumor-bearing rats .

  17. 高F值低聚肽是蛋白酶作用于食物蛋白后形成的一种低分子量生理活性肽,它具有高支链氨基酸,低芳香族氨基酸的组成特点,是由3-9个氨基酸聚合而成。

    High fischer ratio oligo-peptide is a kind of low molecular weight physiological active peptide . It can be made by protease processed food protein . This peptide is polymerized by 3-9 amino acids , which has the form of high branched chain amino acids and low aromatic amino acids .

  18. 目的:观察富含谷氨酰胺(Gln)和支链氨基酸(BCAA)的新型氨基酸制剂对创伤后大鼠自由基代谢以及免疫功能的影响。

    Objectives : In this study , the effects of glutamine ( Gln ) and branched chain amino acids ( BCAA ) enriched formulas on free radical metabolism and immunity in traumatized rats were investigated .

  19. 乳清蛋白灌胃增加了正常小鼠和100mg/KgSTZ模型小鼠的胰岛素的敏感性,改善了正常小鼠的脂代谢,其作用机制可能与摄入富含支链氨基酸的乳清蛋白后增加血液中支链氨基酸浓度有关。

    Whey protein increased insulin sensitivity of the normal mice and 100mg / kg STZ administering mice , improved lipid profile of normal mice . The mechanism is likely to increase plasma branched-chain amino acids after intake of whey protein .

  20. LAT1全称大的氨基酸转运体-1,主要转运大的支链氨基酸以及芳香族氨基酸。

    LAT1 ( large amino acid transporter-1 ) mainly transport branched chain amino acids and aromatic amino acids .

  21. 酮醇酸还原异构酶(KARI)是植物和微生物体内支链氨基酸生物合成的关键酶之一,可以作为设计除草剂的靶标,通过抑制酶的活性中断支链氨基酸的合成使植物死亡,达到除草目的。

    Ketol-acid reductoisomerase ( KARI ) is a promising target for the design of herbicides because it is another essential enzyme for the synthesis of branched-chain amino acids in plants and microorganisms yet absent in animals .

  22. 支链氨基酸也主要以游离态形式吸附;

    Branched amino acids are also mainly absorbed in dissociation state .

  23. 严重腹腔感染病人的血清白蛋白与支链氨基酸值的改变

    The levels of serum albumin and BCAA in severe intra-abdominal infection

  24. 支链氨基酸治疗肝性脑病附24例临床及血浆氨基酸脑电图分析

    Hepatic encephalopathy treated with branched-chain amino acids : report of 24 cases

  25. 支链氨基酸提高大鼠游泳耐力作用探讨

    Effect of branched chain amino acids on exercise capability in swimming rats

  26. 支链氨基酸对卧床、鼻饲病人蛋白质代谢的影响

    Effects of branched-chain amino acids ( bcaa ) on protein metabolism in

  27. 口服支链氨基酸对小鼠耐力的影响

    Influence of Branched Amino Acid On Endurance Ability in Mice

  28. 支链氨基酸对运动能力影响的研究进展

    Effect of Branched - Chain Amino Acid on Survival Capability

  29. 大豆高支链氨基酸混合物营养价值的研究

    Studies on the nutritive quality of the soybean high branched-chain amino acid mixture

  30. 支链氨基酸对划船运动员耐力运动后肌肉损伤的保护作用

    Effects of branched-chain amino acid supplementation on training-induced muscle damage in rowing athletes