
  • 网络Site Planning;Site Plan
  1. 别墅庭院景观的场地规划与空间组织

    The Site Planning and Spatial Organizing of Villa Garden 's Landscape

  2. 场地规划设计中的矛盾与对策&重庆市渝北区龙塔中学场地设计的探讨

    Contradiction and Countermeasure in Site Planning and Design

  3. 高速公路服务区场地规划设计理论与实践

    On design theory and practice of ground planning in service area in expressway

  4. 该研究为城镇强震地面断裂场地规划选址所需要的适宜性评估提供了工程实用评价方法。

    Engineering assessment methods are given for sites with strong ground surface ruptures .

  5. 其他事项包括场地规划、营销、媒体运作和观众服务。

    Other matters include venue plans , marketing , media operations and spectator services .

  6. 文章同时显示,地理信息系统在场地规划中的有着广阔的应用前景。

    Geographical information systems ( GIS ) has proven to be an useful tool in this approach .

  7. 他们的职责需要的各种技能的场地规划和设计,场地工程,管理和监督。

    Their duties require a variety of skills-site planning and design , site engineering , management and supervision .

  8. 海淀温泉生态办公区场地规划和景观设计

    Thoughts on the Site Planning and Landscape Design for Haidian Ecological Office District ( EOD ) of Wenquan Township

  9. 最通常的工作,如场地规划,可能需要耗费超过一年的时间来完成。

    A major job , like planning a corporate site , can take more than a year to complete .

  10. 通常,如果出现许可、场地规划、水或土壤质量方面的问题,高尔夫项目会紧急停止。

    Often golf projects come to a grinding halt when problems involving permitting , site planning , water issues , or soil quality arise .

  11. 设计质量包括符合环境特征的场地规划,适当的建筑风格,以及在材料、颜色、植物和景观小品选择上进行充分考虑。

    Quality design includes environmentally sensitive site planning , appropriate architectural theme , and thoughtful selection of materials , colors , plantings and artistry .

  12. 比如,我们从来不从场地规划开始规划一个项目并决定场地上要建设的最佳设施类型。

    For example we never start our planning from a site plan and determine what type of facility will physically work best on the site .

  13. 植物景观设计专业同建筑等设计专业一样,具有科学性和实用性,场地规划也成了植物景观设计时必须考虑的因素。

    As architectural and other design professions , the landscape design professional has scientific and practical , site planning must be taken into account when designing landscape .

  14. 增加这些额外的培训或经验,在城市规划景观建筑事务所,在专门的场地规划以及景观设计的就业机会。

    Those with additional training or experience in urban planning increase their opportunities for employment in landscape architecture firms that specialize in site planning as well as landscape design .

  15. 以社区场地规划作为主要载体,通过开发建设和后续过程管理,实现系统的要素优化和维护反馈。

    Then use the community site planning as a main carrier , through the development and construction follow-up process management , to achieve optimization of elements and maintenance feedback of the system .

  16. 针对目前国内城市规划设计领域普遍存在的忽视场地规划设计的现象,对场地设计中整体观念、功能组织和使用心理等方面存在的问题进行了剖析。

    Among the factors influencing the site design , block shape and altitude difference are the main problems for us to deal with , which will determine the partition of architecture colony functional area .

  17. 本文论述了现代高校校园电视台演播室的设计准则,并给出了一个架构实例,包括场地规划、声学要求、光学要求、主要设备。

    This article puts forward principles for the design for studios of Campus TV Station in modern universities , and introduces a construct example , including field layout , acoustics requirements , optics requirements and main devices .

  18. 奥运会举办国场地建设规划及场(馆)后期的利用

    The Stadium Construction and Later Usage for Hosting Country in Olympic Games

  19. 古吉拉特邦已经在今年年初开始进行它的太阳能项目,许多太阳能场地已经规划出来。

    In Gujarat , which launched its own solar mission earlier this year , mega solar parks are planned .

  20. 展示设计作为一门空间和场地的规划艺术,在现代经济活动中,扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    As a programming art of space and ground , exhibition design is playing a more and more important role in our economic activities nowadays .

  21. 唐山市中心区避震疏散空间规划设计策略主要从构建层次分明的体系、总体布局、场地内部规划以及平灾转换四个方面进行阐述。

    The design strategy has four important parts , the clear space system , the general layout , the site planning and the converting plan between peacetime and disaster .

  22. 不论是场地的规划布置,活动的流程编排,都有专业的团队为您的要求一一作出最妥善的安排,以及提供最专业的意见。

    Including event 's decorating and setting , and also the run down , we will provide a professional team to reach your needs and make the best arrangement for you .

  23. 包括场地的规划设计、环境绿化设计、以及游戏器械选择等,并对空间的安全性要求做了详细的介绍。

    Include the location planning design , the environment greening design , as well as the design of choice facility and instrument . It has the detailed introduction to the request of space security .

  24. 社区公共体育场地设施的规划、建设、使用及管理研究

    Research on Programming , Constructing , Using & Managing of the Public Sports Fields ' Facilities in Community

  25. 以地理信息技术为平台,经过决策模型的构建和比较分析,对后奥运会时期体育场地二次规划提供决策支持进行了可行性论证。

    On the basis of geological information technology , decision-making model is constructed and comparative studies are carried out .

  26. 它掌管交通、住房、消防、公园及露天场地和城镇规划。

    It is responsible for roads , housing , fire services , parks and open spaces , and town planning .

  27. 工程抗震工作需要掌握各层土的剪切波速度资料,以便进行地震危险性分析和场地震害小区规划等项工作。

    Shear wave velocity data of soil layers and bedrocks have to been obtained , in order to engage in the seismic risk analysis and earthquake zoning of sites .

  28. 项目概述:闲置的厂房场地拟进行总体规划,适应电子、机械等工业项目的开发,按不同的建设项目分类开展经营。

    Description of project : Make an overall plan about the idle workshop and place to fit the development of electronics and machine , and manage it on the basis of classifying different items .

  29. 根据场地未来的建设规划,确定了敏感人群为儿童和成人,所考虑的暴露途径为:经口摄入土壤、皮肤接触土壤、吸入土壤颗粒。

    In view of the construction planning of the site in future , children and adults are determined as sensitive population , and the considered exposure pathways are mouth-intake-soil , skin-contact-with-soil and inhalation of soil particle .

  30. 展示空间设计,是一门场地和空间的规划艺术,它涉及了丰富的内容和广泛的知识领域,并且随着时代的变迁和发展在不断更新扩充其内涵的学科。

    Display space design , is a site and space planning art , it involved the rich content and extensive knowledge domain , and as the changes of The Times and development are constantly updated extend its connotation subject .