- scarlet macaw

A macaw screeched at him from its perch .
Against it , parakeets and toucans and blue-winged macaws swoop .
I wanted [ to feature ] the rarest bird , he told the website Bird Channel in 2011 . The Spix 's macaw truly is the rarest .
The Anasazi imported other exotic items from Mexico , such as live scarlet macaws and copper bells , but we did not know that they were getting cacao too , says Crown .
Hyacinth macaws need hard-shelled nuts in their diets , such as palm nuts .
Has anyone tried to sell you a macaw in the last few days ?
Presley offered the opportunity to inject some much-needed genetic diversity into the population .
Blu , an orphan baby macaw , tests his courage with a trial flight .
A macaw preens its feathers .
Suddenly smugglers arrive , and take the macaw to a snow-covered town in Minnesota , US .
A mated pair of red-and-green macaws soars above the forest in Bolivia 's Madidi National Park .
LIPSON : Yes , and come see the bird show at 4 . The macaws wear hats .
Critically endangered , these native Brazilian birds ( Cyanopsitta spixii ) are believed to be extinct in the wild .
The macaw parrots are attracted to colors , so offer a variety of colors and textures in their food .
There is the Macaw parrot , considered by many to be the largest and most beautiful of its species .
He was given a pair of baby Macaw Parrots by the king of the last kingdom where he was visiting .
So , upon returning to his kingdom , he called for a bird trainer and asked him to train the Macaw parrots .
And she went to her desk at once and hung the black turban hat with the gold-green macaw wing in its accustomed place .
There are reports that Presley himself influenced the 2011 movie Rio , an animated film that tells the tale of a lone male Spix 's macaw .
White cockatoo with a yellow erectile crest . an order of birds including parrots and amazons and cockatoos and lorikeets and lories and macaws and parakeets .
When we first meet him , Blu is a baby macaw who is celebrating and dancing with his feathered friends in the jungles of Rio de Janeiro .
Decades of deforestation and rampant wildlife trafficking have besieged the medium-size macaws , who also ended up having to compete for nest space with introduced Africanized honeybees .
Great for bird lovers . Insert the calls of a Blackbird , Macaw , Ostrich and Seagulls . Play a sound and see if someone can guess the bird .
Released this year , an optimistic sequel , Rio 2 , follows Blu and Jewel as they encounter a hidden population of Spix 's macaws in the Brazilian Amazon .
The evil bird smugglers of the original movie are replaced by threats to the rainforest habitat , as a group of illegal loggers encroaches on the macaws ' home in the jungle .
Now , the fewer than 100 remaining Spix 's macaws are cloistered in captive breeding programs and refuges throughout the world - and the small population is vulnerable to genetic defects caused by inbreeding .
The bird was a Spix 's macaw named Presley , and he was around 40 years old when he died Wednesday . He was thought to be the second-to-last of the remaining wild-born parrots .
Charlotte takes us on a journey through the streams , rivers , swamps and lakes of the Amazon to find crocodiles , giant river otters , pink dolphins and flocks of brilliantly coloured parrots and macaws .
A few years after where the first film left off , macaws Blu ( Jesse Eisenberg ), Jewel ( Anne Hathaway ) and their three kids are living an ordinary life in the center of Rio de Janeiro .