
  • 【人名】Takeshi Kaneshiro
  1. 和其他年轻人一样,金城武推崇友谊。

    Like many young people , he values friendship more than anything else .

  2. 诸葛亮(金城武):我需要冷静一下,你呢?

    Liang Chu-keh said : I want to calm down , what about you ?

  3. 金城武我们支持你!

    Takeshi we always supporting you !

  4. 我们无法忘记《重庆森林》里金城武对日期的反复诉说。

    We can not forget Kaneshiro Takeshi in the repeated telling of date in " Chungking " .

  5. 诸葛亮(金城武)对周瑜(梁朝伟)说:我不是在看你,我是在欣赏你!

    " I 'm not watching you , I just appreciating you !" Liang Chu-keh said to Yu Chou .

  6. 他英俊的外表颇有几分像金城武以及获得奥斯卡提名的日本演员渡边谦。

    His good looks are reminiscent of popular Asian actors like Takeshi Kaneshiro or the Oscar - nominated Ken Watanabe .

  7. 日台混血儿金城武在剧中饰演刘备的军师&满腹谋略的诸葛亮,他给这个角色增加了更多嬉笑怒骂的成分,使其更有活力。

    Japanese-Taiwanese heartthrob Takeshi Kaneshiro brings youthful playfulness and sarcasm to the role of Liu 's famed military strategist , Zhuge Liang .

  8. 健康的形象,英俊的相貌,日本式最酷的发型,这就是金城武,亚洲最具魅力的明星之一。

    WITH a healthy image , handsome face and Japan 's coolest haircut , Takeshi Kaneshiro is one of Asia 's most attractive stars .

  9. 张(丰毅)和梁在电影中占主导地位,而金城武的老谋深算的军师诸葛亮也演得不错,赵薇为其扮演的有胆色有勇气的公主加入了颇受欢迎的幽默。

    Zhang and Leung dominate the movie , while Kaneshiro is fine as wily strategist Zhuge and Zhao adds welcome humor as the feisty princess .

  10. 刘伟强的作品暂时还没有让我失望,金城武与梁朝伟的演技和外形却也让我无可挑剔。

    Mr Wai Keung Lau 's production haven 't disappointed me till now ; Mr TakeshiKaneshivo and Tony Leung 's acting and appearance are also indubitable .

  11. 中国男演员涂们击败了知名对手,包括中日混血的金城武和前金马奖获奖者黄渤,摘得了最佳男演员的桂冠。

    Chinese actor Tu Men beat better-known rivals , including Taiwanese-Japanese heart-throb Takeshi Kaneshiro and former Golden Horse winner Huang Bo , to claim the best actor title .

  12. 乍看之下,金城武缺乏扮演一个在中国历史上如此重要的人物的能力,但他赋予了人物一个独特的性格和令人耳目一新的诠释。

    At first glance , Kaneshiro lacks the gravitas to carry such an esteemed character in Chinese history , but he gives the character a unique , refreshing interpretation .

  13. 我们又可以看到李连杰衣饰整洁的样子了,他的徒弟金城武就没有那么光鲜利落。

    Once again we get a chance to see Jet frocked up , this time accompanied by Takeshi K , who doesn 't manage drag quite as well as Jet .

  14. 金城武的追星族们争相模仿他的发型、服装甚至于他的笑容。那个疯狂跟踪琳赛?罗涵到家的追星族终于被捕了。

    Many of Takeshi 's fans like to copy his haircut , clothes and even his smile . 4 That fanatic was arrested for stalking Lindsey Lohan all the way to her house .

  15. 影片中场则是以个性的作用取代了动作打斗,侧重点放在刘备的军师诸葛亮(金城武饰)说服孙权同刘结盟,及其同孙权的大都督周瑜(梁朝伟饰)精心设计的联盟会面。

    The middle act replaces action with character interaction , focusing on Liu 's strategist Zhu-ge Liang ( Takeshi Kaneshiro ) persuasion of Sun Qun to ally with Liu and his elaborately built-up meeting with Sun 's viceroy , Zhou Yu ( Tony Leung ) .