
  • 网络Chun Wu;Chun;wu chun
  1. 但是在我心里,一个叫吴尊的人是最好的。

    But in my heart , a man named Chun is the best one .

  2. 这个小组有四位成员:炎亚纶,吴尊,辰亦儒,汪东城。

    There are four members in the band : Aaron Yan , Wu Chun , Calvin Chen , and Jiro Wang .

  3. 吴尊是最后一位。

    Wu Zun was the last .

  4. 吴尊对然后他就会走著走著然后来个转弯让他的披风在风中起舞。

    Wu zun : yes , and he would walk and turn , and let the coat tail do its dance in the wind .

  5. 吴尊?我很爱吃?可是有一直都有小习惯对于我爱的食物尽量少一些肥腻的成份。

    Wu Zun : I love to eat , but I have little habits to make my love for food a little less fattening .

  6. 亚纶:不挑剔,好象吴尊一样。只要食物不要太辛辣,都还好。太过挑剔不会成就大事业。

    Aaron : I 'm not picky , just like Wu Zun . As long as the food is not too spicy , I 'll alright .

  7. 吴尊:我的愿望就是可以凭借自己的一点点力量,向全球华人宣传汶莱的旅游业!

    Wu Chun : My wish is to promote Brunei tourism as I believe I might have a little effect to promote Brunei to many Chinese around the world !

  8. 不过,经过很多工作人员的帮助和指导,我学习了很多很多,然后也从困难的经验变成今天这个更坚强的吴尊!

    However , with all the help from the crew , I learnt the most out of it and through those hard times , I became a stronger Wu Chun today !

  9. 吴尊:个现在自己在偷笑的-亚纶。可是其实我想应该不是他最懒惰。他只是比较喜欢玩篮球吧了。

    Wu Zun : The one who is now giggling to himself – Aaron . But no , I think it 's not because he is lazy . He simply prefers playing basketball , that 's all .