
  1. 研究会第一次对吴越民族进行研究,考证了吴越民族的起源、特征、迁徙方向与路线。

    In the first time , the learned society took on national research and found out the origin of Wuyue , ethnic character , the direction and route of movement .

  2. 生活于这一地区的吴越民族,经常通过“海上丝绸之路”的渠道,将自己的文化形式与文化习俗东传到日本、朝鲜、韩国等东亚国家,并对这些国家的文化产生重大影响。

    Wu and Yue nationalities living there spread their culture and customs to japan , DPRK and Korea often through " the Silk Road in the sea " and therefore greatly influenced the cultures of these countries .