
  • 网络Gaoyang County
  1. 目前高阳县的税收主体为纺织业,约占高阳县总体税收的80%以上,在县财政收入中占据着重中之重的位置。

    Currently the main body for the textile industry the tax Gaoyang County , about 80 % of the overall tax Gaoyang County for more than revenue in the county occupies a most important position .

  2. 县域农民征地补偿安置情况调查分析&以河北省高阳县、易县、清苑县为例北宋《太平州芜湖县新学记》碑考

    Analysis on Compensation for Resettlement of Landless Peasants in Counties , Taking Gaoyang County , Yixian County and Qingyuan County as Example A Textual Study on A Northern Song Stele with the Inscription of the New School in Wuhu County , Taiping Zhou

  3. 高阳县传为颛顼故都,八才旧里。

    Biography for Zhuanxu Gaoyang ancient capital , only eight years old .

  4. 河北省高阳县与四川省南充市农地流转比较

    A Comparing of the Agricultural Land Shifting between Nanchong Town of Sichuan Province and Gaoyang County of Hebei Province