
ɡāo děnɡ jiào yù zì xué kǎo shì
  • Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations;higher education examination program for the self-taught
  1. 用SWOT分析对我国高等教育自学考试面临外部环境的机会与威胁,内部条件的优势与劣势进行综合分析研究,从而制定新的发展战略。

    We can analyze the external chances and threats the self-study tests for higher education in China meet and do some research on the internal advantages and disadvantages with SWOT , then we can make a new development strategy .

  2. 高等教育自学考试与高职高专教育相沟通的研究

    Self-taught Examination of Higher Education and Higher Vocational Education communication research

  3. 网络及多媒体技术下的高等教育自学考试

    Self-study Examination of Higher Education Based on Network and Multi-media Technology

  4. 论高等教育自学考试教材建设

    On the Construction of Self-study Examination 's Teaching Materials in Higher Education

  5. 山东省高等教育自学考试作弊问题的研究

    The Research into Cheating in Higher Education Self-study Examination in Shandong Province

  6. 论高等教育自学考试制度的经济、社会功能

    Economic and Social Function of Self Taught Examination System in Higher Education

  7. 浅谈高等教育自学考试全日制学生的思想教育

    Elementary Introduction of Full-time Students ' Ideological Education of Self-taught Higher Education Examinations

  8. 四川省高等教育自学考试远程助学支持服务研究

    Research on Distance Support Service of Higher Education Self-Study Exam in Sichuan Province

  9. 浅谈高等教育自学考试目前存在的问题

    Present Existing Problems in Self-study Examination of Higher Education

  10. 高等教育自学考试制度的发展论略

    On the Development of Higher Education Self-study Exam System

  11. 关于高等教育自学考试中素质教育问题的研究

    Research on Quality Education in Self-study Higher Education Examination

  12. 树立科学的高等教育自学考试质量观

    Adopting the Scientific Outlook on the Quality of the Self-taught Higher Education Examinations

  13. 互联网给高等教育自学考试带来什么?

    What Internet bring to higher education selfstudy examination ?

  14. 正确认识高等教育自学考试制度的合法地位与独特价值

    Understanding Correctly the Legal Status and Unique Value of the Self-taught Higher Education Examinations

  15. 高等教育自学考试:蕴含中国式终身学习理念的制度

    The Self-taught Higher Education Examinations : a System Embodying Chinese Concept of Lifelong Learning

  16. 河北省高等教育自学考试2004年英语词汇学试卷分析

    An Analysis of the E.S.T.U.D. A English Lexicology Test Paper 2004 of Hebei Province

  17. 新时期的高等教育自学考试:挑战分析与对策探讨

    Higher Education Self-study Examination in the New Era : Challenge Analysis and Countermeasure Discussion

  18. 新世纪中国电子教育与高等教育自学考试的结合问题

    Issues on the TUV Education and Higher Education by Self-taught Testing in New Century

  19. 高等教育自学考试毕业生管理系统的设计

    Design of The Management System for Graduates of The Self-Study Examination of Higher Education

  20. 用科学发展观指导高校提高教学质量树立科学的高等教育自学考试质量观

    Improving teaching qualities under the guidance of the scientific concept of development in Higher Schools

  21. 在此情况下,高等教育自学考试是否续存是个值得思考的问题。

    In this situation , it is worth of considering whether the STE were continued .

  22. 具有教育性的高等教育自学考试自然也无法回避这种发展趋势的影响。

    The SET with the educational pattern can not avoid the impact of this trend .

  23. 高等教育自学考试与职业教育沟通衔接策略的探讨

    Research on Communication and Cohesion Strategy between Self-study Examination for Higher Education and Vocational Education

  24. 对于这个问题,许多人持有废除高等教育自学考试的观点。

    For this problem , many people hold the view of abolition of the STE .

  25. 我国高等教育自学考试的困境和出路

    The Plight and Way out of the Self-study Examination of the Higher Education in Our Country

  26. 终身教育对高等教育自学考试招生考试教育制度也有重大影响。

    Life-long education also has important influence upon the system of self-study examination of high education .

  27. 我在1994年开始参加高等教育自学考试,选择了英语作为我的专业。

    I just took the self-study higher education examination in1994 , choosing English as my major .

  28. 21世纪高等教育自学考试主考学校工作创新论

    On the Innovation of the Work in Higher Education Self-study Examination Charging Schools in the 21st Century

  29. 在此过程中,将远程教育引入高等教育自学考试是值得考虑的事情。

    In this process , it is worthy of consideration to introduce the distance education into the STE .

  30. 全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会日前在北京作出决定。

    The Self-Study Examination Instruction Group of the National Higher Education Committee recently made a decision in Beijing .