
zuò yè
  • school assignment;work;job;task;homework;operation;production;do school assignment;perform a task or operation;labour
作业 [zuò yè]
  • (1) [school assignment;homework;task]∶教师布置的功课

  • 家庭作业

  • (2) [work;task;operation;production]∶为完成生产和军事训练任务等而布置的活动

  • 野外作业

  • (3) [job]∶要求计算机完成的一个工作单元

  • 作业库

  • (4) [do school assignment;perform a task or operation]∶做作业

  • (5) [labour;work]∶劳动;从事生产工作

作业[zuò yè]
  1. 作业是学习的影子,作业与学习休戚相关,相伴相生。

    School assignment is as a shadow with learning , they are inseparable and concomitant .

  2. 作业在传统意义上讲就是课后的巩固练习,书面作业。

    The school assignment in the traditional sense is the consolidation exercise or written work after class .

  3. 你每学期要完成三个书面作业。

    You will need to complete three written assignments per semester .

  4. 老师给每个儿童都布置了不同的作业。

    The teacher assigned each of the children a different task .

  5. 从头至尾看一遍你们的作业,发现的错误都要改正过来。

    Read through your work and correct any mistakes that you find .

  6. 我整天都在做作业。

    I 've been working at my assignment all day .

  7. 学生作业的质量甚是参差不齐。

    The quality of the students ' work varies considerably .

  8. 老师给每个儿童布置的作业都不相同。

    The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children .

  9. 我是不是听到“家庭作业”这可怕的字眼了?

    Did I hear the dreaded word ' homework ' ?

  10. 我不得不详细地写好家庭作业笔记。

    I have to write up the notes for homework .

  11. 课程作业占最后总成绩的40%。

    Coursework accounts for 40 % of the final marks .

  12. 这些作业重复冗长,没有什么意义。

    These tasks were repetitive , lengthy and lacking any intrinsic interest .

  13. 我每周至少要花六个小时批改作业。

    I spend at least six hours a week marking .

  14. 她在努力完成作业。

    She is struggling to keep up with her schoolwork .

  15. 我还没做完地理科家庭作业呢。

    I still haven 't done my geography homework .

  16. 你做家庭作业用了多长时间?

    How long did you spend on your homework ?

  17. 我今晚有很多家庭作业要做。

    I 've got a lot of homework tonight .

  18. 她注意到他作业中有几处小错。

    She noticed several small errors in his work .

  19. 交作业前仔细检查一下拼写错误。

    Go over your work for spelling mistakes before you hand it in .

  20. 她总是让我们做多得不得了的家庭作业。

    She always gives us far too much homework .

  21. 学生作业的质量甚是参差不齐。

    The students ' work varies considerably in quality .

  22. 老师走来走去检查他们的作业。

    The teacher walked around inspecting their work .

  23. 交作业以前先检查一遍。

    Check your work before handing it in .

  24. 她晚上批改作业。

    She does her marking in the evenings .

  25. 因为作业太多,她现在的娱乐时间很少。

    With so much homework to do , her playtime is now very limited .

  26. 老师对每个人的作业都作了讲评。

    The teacher commented on everyone 's work .

  27. 晚饭后我要做家庭作业。

    I 'll do my homework after supper .

  28. 交作业前先检查一遍。

    Check your work before handing it in .

  29. 难道你还没有完成家庭作业吗?

    Haven 't you finished your homework yet ?

  30. 你必须完成三个书面作业。

    You must complete three written assignments .