
biān chī
  • whip;flog;lash;scourge;flagellate;castigate;thrash;flog lash
鞭笞 [biān chī]
  • [flog lash;castigate;thrash] 用鞭子抽打

  • 执敲扑而鞭笞天下。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

鞭笞[biān chī]
  1. v.重灯;鞭笞现今,鞭苔不服从的兵士或水手是不人道的惩罚。

    flog Nowadays , it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailers .

  2. 现今,鞭笞不服从的兵士或水手是不人道的惩罚。

    Nowadays , it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors .

  3. 舞蹈开始前会举行祈祷和鞭笞的仪式。

    There is a ceremony of prayer and flagellation before the dancing begins .

  4. 《鞭笞刑具》还从未发表过,但大家认为它是一首真正的好诗。

    ' The Whipping Block ' has never been published , but it 's supposed to be a really good poem

  5. 而这些则有赖于桥下彻的人气,他吸引大批追随者的法宝是狂热的言辞、对铺张的公共开支的大加鞭笞以及提倡改革的言论。这些言论经常发表在Twitter上,为此他在Twitter上拥有超过90万粉丝。

    And it relies on the popularity of Mr Hashimoto , who has won a strong following for his fiery rhetoric , war on wasteful public spending and calls for reform , often made on Twitter , where he has more than 900000 followers .

  6. 他借用西学的目的就是对中国的封建专制进行无情的鞭笞。

    His aim is to violently whip feudal autocracy in China .

  7. 某些政客赞同恢复鞭笞刑罚。

    Some politicians are in favour of bringing back the birch .

  8. 生活鞭笞着弱者,又有谁比儿童更懦弱呢?

    Life strikes the weak-and who is weaker than a child ?

  9. 喜好我不喜欢看别人被鞭笞。

    relish I have no relish for seeing people being whipped .

  10. 鞭笞人就是用鞭子抽打他的人。

    To scourge a man is to beat him with a whip .

  11. 把她拖下去鞭笞三十。

    Take her away and give her thirty lashes of the whip .

  12. 只要回忆起农民被鞭笞的事就叫我够受的了。

    It is enough for me to recall the flogging of peasants .

  13. 男孩经常受到棒打和鞭笞的惩罚。

    By rod and lash , the boy was punished .

  14. 鞭笞尸体以确立在死亡后多久人体仍能形成瘀伤

    Beating corpses to establish how long after death , bruising is still possible

  15. 贝蒂?弗里丹这样的女权主义者妖魔化了“家务奴隶”并狠狠的鞭笞了性别歧视。

    Feminists such as Betty Friedan have demonised domestic slavery and lambasted discrimination .

  16. 他用樟木条鞭笞那些男孩。

    He switched the boys with a birch stick .

  17. 违反这些规则应受的惩罚是鞭笞。

    The punishment for breaking the rules is flogging .

  18. 他完全赞同在学校中恢复藤鞭笞作为一种处罚手段。

    He was all for bringing back the cane as a punishment in schools .

  19. 只因不随俗,整个世界都用不悦鞭笞着你(拉尔夫沃尔多埃默森)

    For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure ( Ralph Waldo Emerson )

  20. 殴打、鞭笞和“意外”射杀当地人的事件很常见。

    Beatings , floggings , and " accidental " shootings of natives were common .

  21. 如果你工作的不够努力,他就会折磨鞭笞�

    And if you weren 't working hard enough , he would scourge you ,

  22. 一幅描绘一位圣徒自我鞭笞的画。

    A painting of a saint flagellating himself .

  23. 过去用于在公众场所鞭笞罪犯的柱子。

    Post formerly used in public to which offenders are tied to be whipped .

  24. 莫里森还鞭笞了在解决社会问题中人所展示的人性的弱点。

    Morrison also exposes weaknesses of human beings in their attempt to solve social conflicts .

  25. 体刑是为轻狂人而设,鞭笞是为愚人背而备。

    Judgments are prepared for scorners : and striking hammers for the bodies of fools .

  26. 在倍受折磨的品德鞭笞下,停止着灵魂的救赎。

    In the tormented moral whipping , the conduct of the salvation of the soul .

  27. 鞭打:惩罚,鞭笞惩罚。

    To punish , as by beating . Beating : Punishment by whipping or flogging .

  28. 这篇演说对煽动战争的行为大加鞭笞。

    The speech hits out at warmongering .

  29. 让鞭笞犯罪者的人也审视那受害者的灵魂。

    And let him who would lash the offender look unto the spirit of the offended .

  30. 外面,波涛拍打着白砂沙滩,热风鞭笞着海水。

    Outside , waves pound the white sand beach , a hot wind whips the water .