
  • 网络gaomi city
  1. 高密市经济林产业优势分析

    An Analysis of the Advantage of Economic Forest Industry in Gaomi City

  2. 对高密市官员来说,它可能被证明是一个金矿。

    For Gaomi city officials , it could prove to be a goldmine .

  3. 高密市农村居民伤害流行病学调查报告

    An epidemiological survey on injury among rural residents of Gaomi

  4. 高密市公共事务信息系统总体方案设计

    The Design of Gaomi Public Affairs Information System

  5. 然而,分析人士称在高密市的大型旅游项目仍然不吃惊。

    However , a large-scale tourism project in Gaomi remains unsurprising , analysts claim .

  6. 高密市劳动和社会保障局人事管理信息系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Personnel Management Information System for Gaomi Labor and Social Security Bureau

  7. 农民流动决策及其特点之实证分析&基于对山东省高密市的调查

    Positive Research on Peasants ' Moving Decision and its Characteristics & Based on the Survey of Gaomi city of Shandong

  8. 高密市居民以诺贝尔文学奖得主而强烈自豪,他们深情地称之为莫言老师。

    Gaomi residents are intensely proud of their Nobel laureate , whom they fondly refer to as Teacher Mo Yan .

  9. 高密市饮水型氟中毒地区中老年人骨关节炎患病情况调查

    Investigation of the Osteoarthritis Sick State in Middle-aged and Old people Lived in Drinking Water Type Fluoride Area in Gaomi City

  10. 2009年,在高密市政府互联网网站评测中,高密市民政局门户网站获得了市直部门优秀政府网站称号。

    In 2009 , Gaomi portal website received the title of outstanding government website in the Gaomi government Internet site evaluation .

  11. 高密市居民以诺贝尔文学奖得主而强烈自豪,他们深情地称之为“莫言老师”。

    Gaomi residents are intensely proud of their Nobel laureate , whom they fondly refer to as " Teacher Mo Yan . "

  12. 我认为这不能令人信服,莫言在他的家乡高密市说,那里是他众多作品的背景设置地。

    I think this is unconvincing , said Mo in his hometown of Gaomi , where many of his dozens of works have been set .

  13. 纺织工业是高密市的第一大产业,在高密市的经济社会生活中具有重要的地位。

    Textile industry has been the most important industry of Gaomi , which has an important position in the city 's economic and social life .

  14. 系统满足了高密市人事局组织人事工作需要,并且在安全性、稳定性和网络化程度上均满足了需求。

    The system meets the needs of organizational personnel management of Personnel Bureau directly and satisfies the requirements on safety , stability and network application .

  15. 1955年,莫言先生出生在中国东北地区山东省高密市的一个农民家庭,原名管谟业。

    Mr Mo was born with the name Guan moye in 1955 , into a peasant household in Gaomi , Shandong Province , in north-eastern China .

  16. 本文在分析高密市纺织工业发展现状及存在问题的基础上,对高密市纺织工业的发展提出相关对策建议。

    On the basis of analysis of development situation and existing problems , this paper proposes relevant suggestions to the development of textile industry in Gaomi .

  17. 加快小城镇建设发展,对于高密市率先实现全面建设小康社会、建成现代化中等城市目标具有重要意义。

    Speeding up small town development is of great significance for Gaomi to establish an all-around affluent society and turn into a medium-sized city modern city .

  18. 同时,高密市政府正试图找出如何保护和修复莫言的老房子,在它成为了一个受欢迎的景点后。

    Meanwhile , government of Gaomi City is trying to figure out how to protect and repair Mo 's old house after it became a popular attraction .

  19. 包括英语翻译在内的多名翻译陪同,莫言家乡山东省高密市的官员邵春生说。

    Translators for several languages including English will accompany him , said Shao Chunsheng , an official with Mo 's hometown of Gaomi City in Shandong Province .

  20. 鉴于以上主要土壤可持续利用的障碍因素,本研究提出3条高密市土壤可持续利用的对策。

    In view of the above the sustainable utilization of the main obstacle factors of soil , this research proposes three sustainable utilization of soil about Gaomi city .

  21. 施工单位、开发企业、物业管理公司等单位资质年检工作,是高密市住建局日常工作的一项重要内容。

    The annual inspection of qualification for enterprises of construction , developer , property management and other units is an important part of Gaomi Housing and Urban Construction Bureau .

  22. 综上所述,本文研究的是一个具有实用价值的应用系统,该系统的成功应用为高密市总工会职工帮扶救助提供了方便。

    In summary , this paper discusses a practical application system , which successfully applied for provides Convenience for the Federation of Trade Unions Gaomi workers help and aid .

  23. 高密市新闻中心主任王有志告诉新华社说,主题公园相比于具体的计划来说更是一个愿景。

    The director of the Gaomi press centre , Wang Youzhi , told the official Xinhua news agency that the theme park was more a vision than a concrete plan .

  24. 摘要高密市水利信息工程自动化管理系统是一个防汛抢险、应急决策和水资源合理调配提供支持的系统。

    Gaomi water conservancy geography information system & manager information system is an information supporting system for flood control , emergency decision-making and reasonable allocation of water resources for Gaomi city .

  25. 高密市新闻中心主任王有志告诉新华社说,主题公园相比于具体的计划来说更是一个“愿景”。

    The director of the Gaomi press centre , Wang Youzhi , told the official Xinhua news agency that the theme park was more a " vision " than a concrete plan .

  26. 高密市位于山东半岛与内陆结合部,具有较好的区位优势,人口规模、经济社会发展处于中等水平,其小城镇建设与发展具有较强的典型性和代表性。

    Gaomi , link of Shandong peninsula and inner land , enjoys an ideal geographic location , with middle-sized population and middle-leveled . Gaomi development and construction is very typical and of great representativeness .

  27. 高密市经济与信息化局所拥有、管辖的IT资产无论从规模还是数量来看,均在不断增加,并且它们对政府信息化的发展所起的作用也越来越显著。

    IT assets that Gaomi Economic and Informationization Bureau owns , whether from scale or quantity , is increasing . And the effects which the development of government informatization take are more and more obviously .

  28. 高密市对此也进行了以明晰产权、减轻税费、放活经营、规范流转为主要内容的林权改革,已经取得显著成效。

    Gaomi city has began to reform , the central content of which is clarifying the property rights , lightening the tax and fee , setting free the management and standardizing the transfer of property rights .

  29. 根据北京新闻,管理平安的高密市政府,计划在这位作家旧居周围建造6700万英镑的“莫言文化体验之旅”的主题公园。

    Authorities in Gaomi , the municipality that administers Ping'an , plans to build a £ 67m " Mo Yan Culture Experience " theme park around the writer 's old home , according to the Beijing News .

  30. 通过统计分析发现,高密市政府组织中非正式组织真实存在,并且关系本位观念尤其突出,个人利益是主要出发点,并且呈现网络化,大多数非正式组织都存在非法定的核心人物。

    Through statistical analysis , the informal organization truly exists in Gaomi city , and " relationship based " particularly prominent concepts , individual interests is the main starting point , showing network , most informal organizations have statutory central figure .