
  • 网络Zhaoyuan;zhaoyuan city
  1. GIS技术支持下的招远市农村居民点居住适宜性研究

    The Study on the Dwelling Suitability of Rural Residential Land of Zhaoyuan City Using GIS

  2. 山东省招远市青龙萤石矿床地质特征

    Geological characteristics of Qinglong fluorite deposit in Zhaoyuan city of Shandong Province

  3. GIS技术支持下的招远市金矿区崩塌遥感调查

    GIS / RS-based Investigation on Landslip in Zhaoyuan Gold Field

  4. 招远市农业信息服务体系建设对策研究

    The Countermeasure Research of Zhaoyuan Municipal Agriculture Information Service System Developments

  5. 招远市美容师手卫生及其相关卫生知识现状调查

    Investigation on Situation of Hands Hygiene of Beautician and Their Health Knowledge

  6. 招远市名、特、优产品展览也将在展会期间举行。

    Other products with Zhaoyuan features will be displayed during the exhibition .

  7. 2004年招远市冷库冷冻食品细菌交叉污染调查

    Investigation on Bacterial cross Pollution of Frozen Foods in Zhaoyuan , 2004

  8. 招远市异常血红蛋白的分子结构

    Molecular structure of an abnormal hemoglobin in Zhao Yuan

  9. 基于真实储蓄方法的招远市的可持续发展能力评价

    Valuation of sustainable development in Zhaoyuan city based on the method of genuine saving

  10. 1996~2005年招远市城区部分中小学生营养状况分析

    Analysis on Nutrition Condition of Some Elementary and Middle School Students in Zhaoyuan from 1996 to 2005

  11. 关于招远市黄金及相关工业发展现状和建议

    The status quo of the development of gold and related industry in Zhaoyuan City and suggestions offered

  12. 招远市公共场所从业人员卫生知识水平较高,相关态度和行为较好。

    The hygienic knowledge level of the employees in public places is high , their attitude and practice are good .

  13. 要:简要介绍了招远市罗山氰化厂酸化-氧化净化浸金贫液工艺。

    Practice of removing impurity using acidification-oxidation process from deficient liquid of cyanide plant is introduced briefly in the paper .

  14. 在招远市建立农业信息服务体系不仅是必要的,而且是一项紧迫的任务。

    To establishes the agriculture information service system in Zhaoyuan city is not only necessary , but also an urgent mission .

  15. 招远市美容师的手污染较严重,手卫生知识水平和手清洗消毒行为正确率较低。

    The hands contamination of beauticians in Zhaoyuan was serious , their health knowledge level and correct rate of hands-disinfecting were low .

  16. [结论]招远市冷库冷冻食品存在着严重的交叉污染情况,是引起食源性疾病的重要潜在因素。

    [ Conclusion ] The serious condition of bacterial cross pollution of the frozen foods in Zhaoyuan is a major factor of food-borne diseases .

  17. 招远市大河金矿对划归地下开采的一中段以上有露头大矿体,实行陡边坡露天开采。

    The thick cropping orebody of a level and over which was originally put under underground mining was redesigned locarry on sleep slope opencutling .

  18. 最后以招远市为例,分析其城市路网的级配现状,评价招远市现状城市路网布局,对部分路段的道路网络布局提出可行性方案。

    Finally , taking Zhaoyuan city as an example , analysis of the city road network graded status , evaluation of Zhaoyuan city road network layout , on some sections of the road network layout solution .

  19. 针对尾矿库复垦难的状况,招远市在尾矿库不覆土的条件下种植火炬树取得了成功,积累了一套系统的栽培技术和管理经验。

    According to the conditions of difficult multiple cultivation at tailings , Zhaoyuan City plants Staghorn Sumac at tailings under the conditions of no covering soil and has gained achievements and accumulated a completed and systematic cultivation technology and management experience .