
  • 网络Xintai city
  1. 新泰市食品从业人员HBsAg携带情况监测分析

    Surveillance of HBsAg carrying status in food production enterprises in Xintai City

  2. 2004~2008年新泰市艾滋病自愿咨询检测资料分析

    Data Analysis of Voluntary Counseling and Testing in Xintai City from 2004 to 2008

  3. 因此,解决好城镇化中的问题对于加快新泰市城镇化发展以及同类区域城镇化的发展具有重要意义。

    Therefore , accelerating the urbanization development in Xin Tai has important meaning .

  4. 新泰市农村土地流转制度的调查与思考

    An investigation and discussion on the land flow system in rural area of Xintai

  5. 2008年新泰市男男性接触者艾滋病相关知识、态度及行为调查

    Survey on Knowledge , Attitude and Behavior about AIDS among MSM in Xintai City in 2008

  6. 新泰市土门林场不同混交林枯落物层持水性能的研究

    Study on the water-holding ability of the litter in different mixed forest of Tumen Plantation of Xintai

  7. 第三,新泰市乡镇基层农业科技工作者的培训是主动与被动的结合。

    In third , Xintai City Township Agricultural Science and technology workers training is active and passive combination .

  8. 新泰市农村集中式供水7年水质检测结果分析

    Analysis of Monitoring Results of Water Quality for 7 Years in Centralized Water Supply in Rural Area of Xintai City

  9. 并以山东省新泰市东都镇为典型案例,进行了实证分析。

    And take the Shandong Province Xintai east the town as the illustrative case , has carried on the empirical analysis .

  10. 新泰市是山东省重要的粮食基地,也是全省重要的能源和矿产基地,是环境保护的重点区域之一。

    Xin Tai City is both an important grain base and an important energy sources , as well as it is the mineral base of Shandong Province .

  11. 在讨论采煤塌陷地生态复垦的基础上,对新泰市采煤塌陷区生态复垦用地的营养结构、平面结构和垂直结构进行了优化设计。

    On the basis of the discussion of the ecological rehabilitation on subsidence land of coal extraction , the land structures of nourishment , plane and perpendicularity on subsidence area of coal extraction are differently designed .

  12. 并通过与新泰市的城镇化发展的多个方面对比,推出行政事权的扩大与辖区面积不对称是导致两市城镇化路径截然不同的主导因素。

    And compared with multiple aspects of xintai city urbanization development , the release of the expansion of administrative powers and jurisdiction area of asymmetry are the two city urbanization path lead to different dominant factors .

  13. 在对新泰市的现有水源以及中水回用等多种水源进行分析的基础上,重点对东周水库的供水能力及新汶污水处理厂的中水回用可靠性进行分析研究。

    Based on the analysis of water resource in existence and wastewater reuse etc , the ability of water supply of Dong-zhou reservoir and the reliability of wastewater reuse in Xin-wen sewage management factory were researched emphatically .

  14. 论文以新泰市为例,简要阐述了如何将基层党建工作与农村社会管理创新有机结合,基层党组织在农村社会管理中如何发挥核心作用所做的积极实践探索。

    The paper takes Xintai city as an example , briefly describes how the grass-roots party construction work and rural social management innovation combined with practice , to explore the grass-roots party organizations in the rural social management how to play a central role in the .

  15. 本文从山东省新泰市公开选拔公务员领导职务引发的社会争议出发,围绕晋升职务人员的任职资格、晋升职务人员的个人信息公开,公开选拔领导职务的考选程序三个争议点展开分析。

    The public selection for leading posts of civil servants in Xintai , Shandong province caused dispute in society . The paper discussed three disputed points of the event , including the qualifications , the personal information disclosure and the exam selection procedures of those promoted staff .

  16. 本研究对来自新泰、莱芜市的22头腹泻断奶仔猪的粪便、肠及肠内容物、外周血进行分批采样分析。

    22 crossed weaning piglets were used in this study , in order to sample and analyze for their diarrhea faecal , intestines tissue and intestinal inclusion and surrounding blood .

  17. 新泰,肥城两市分别位于全国百强县的第25和48位,而宁阳和东平两县分别位列296和378位。

    Xin Tai 、 Fei Cheng City are located in the whole nation the 25th and 48 of hundred strong counties respectively , but Ning Yang and Dong Ping county regions enumerate 296 and 378 place respectively .