
  • job fair;career fair
  1. 在上海最近举办的一次招聘会上,金尊投资咨询(JinzunInvestmentConsulting)的刘银伟(音译)收到了大量简历,但他想招的不是那些“海归”。

    Liu Yinwei of Jinzun Investment Consulting was inundated with candidates at a recent job fair in Shanghai , but he was not looking for those with foreign degrees .

  2. 很明显,我一不小心走进了一处招聘会现场。

    Clearly , I had accidentally walked into a job fair .

  3. 他在校园招聘会上找到了第一份工作。

    He obtained his first job through the milk round .

  4. 查尔斯是于去年早些时候在我公司组织的在著名的B校的一次校园招聘会上选拔进入本公司的。

    Charles was selected through a campus talent search at the leading B schools that my organization undertook early last year .

  5. 但今年5月,国有汽车制造商北京汽车集团(BeijingAutomotiveGroup)首次在斯图加特、慕尼黑和亚琛举办了德国人才招聘会,目的是招聘工程师。

    But in May , Beijing Automotive Group ( BAIC ), the state-owned carmaker , held its first German recruitment fairs in Stuttgart , Munich and Aachen – to hire engineers .

  6. 北京万科物业服务有限公司(BeijingVankePropertyServiceCo.Ltd.)的人力资源经理宋贵波在招聘会上招聘保安、接待员和清洁工。

    Song Guibo , a human-resources manager at Vanke Management Services , was at the exchange to fill vacancies for security guards , receptionists , and cleaners .

  7. Ryan以前是一位人力资源经理,他指出要参加的话就去那种指定公司指定时间的、或大学里举行的招聘会。

    Ryan , a former human resources executive , points to company-specific open hours and college placement job fairs .

  8. 施洛塞尔记得,在哈佛商学院,当许多学生忙着参加银行与咨询业的招聘会时,考虑一条MBA毕业后不那么有保障的发展道路,心里感觉压力很大。

    At HBS , as many students were ushered between banking and consulting recruiting events , Mr Schlosser remembers feeling overwhelmed when considering a less secure post-MBA path .

  9. TBWA的人力资源总监对这次招聘会非常的重视。

    The HR Director of TBWA took this Career Fair very seriously .

  10. 另一家招聘会组织机构保圣那(Pasona)全球业务部执行官市川友之(TomoyukiIchikawa,音译)表示,他鼓励国际学生遵循日本的礼仪,尽管严格说来,企业并没有要求他们这么做。

    Tomoyuki Ichikawa , executive officer in the global business department at Pasona , another job fair host , said he encouraged internationals to embrace Japanese manners , even if they were not required to do so by corporations , strictly speaking .

  11. 这一专场招聘会受到了高校学子的热烈欢迎。

    The special job fair was warmly welcomed by college students .

  12. 密歇根大学不得不把招聘会的时间压缩为半天到一天。

    Michigan had to cut its event in half to one day .

  13. 在上一次的招聘会上,有不错的人选吗?

    In the last recruitment fair , were there any good candidates ?

  14. 学生干部曾一度是招聘会上的宠儿。

    Student cadres were once very popular at job markets .

  15. 还有其他的一些招聘会,你都可以去看一下。

    There are other job fairs , you can take a look .

  16. 不要在招聘会上给新来的雇员保证。

    Don 't give the potential employee a snow job in recruitment .

  17. 你还可以参加人才招聘会。

    Also , you can take part in job fairs .

  18. 我明天得去招聘会。

    I have to go to the job fair tomorrow .

  19. 定期举办用工招聘会,帮助企业引进人才和招聘工人。

    Help enterprises to introduce qualified personnel and employ workers .

  20. 我在一次招聘会上见到了你们的人事代表。

    B : I met your HR representative at a job fair .

  21. 经济大萧条迫使许多大学缩短招聘会的时长。

    The Great Recession forced many colleges to cut back on their job-fairs .

  22. 大家对今天实习生志愿者们在招聘会上的表现如何评价?

    What do you think of the12 trainee volunteers'performance in today 's recruitment ?

  23. 你仍然需要浏览求职网站并参加招聘会。

    You still need to check the recruitment websites and visit job fairs .

  24. 同学:是有美国公司的那个招聘会吗?

    Classmate : Is that with the American company ?

  25. 招聘会为求职者和招聘者提供理想的见面机会。

    The Fair provides an ideal opportunity for jobseekers and employers to meet .

  26. 这意味着招聘会很少,也会极具针对性。

    This means recruitment is tight and very focused .

  27. 根据招聘会的招聘启事判断,这似乎是一个越来越不现实的目标。

    Judging from the job-fair billboards , that seems an increasingly unrealistic goal .

  28. 招聘会真的很成功!

    Woman : Ah , it was really successful !

  29. 请在以下招聘会信息中查看更多的消息。

    Look in the list below for more information .

  30. 在最近的招聘会上,这里提供了300个岗位,吸引了1500名求职者。

    A recent job fair offering 300 jobs at the center attracted 1,500 aspirants .