
  • 网络Bidding method;tendering manner
  1. 介绍了多Agent在刀具调度中的应用,探讨了基于多Agent的刀具调度系统结构、招标方式及工作流程。

    The Agent theory and its application in the cutting tool schedule are presented . The structure , invite public bidding mode and the flow chart of the cutting tool schedule based on the multi-Agent are discussed .

  2. 威尔逊还采用招标方式选择合作伙伴帮助这个组织处理资金管理业务,最终把这项任务从ETS身上剥离了出来。

    Wilson also put the organization 's money management to bid and moved that task away from the testing contractor .

  3. 关于完善工程项目无标底招标方式的探讨

    Discussion about Improving the Lowest Bid Approach in Construction Project

  4. 水利工程招标方式与评标方法研究

    Bidding Types and Bid Evaluation Methods of Water Resources Projects

  5. 政府采购中公开招标方式的研究

    Study on the Method of Competitive Bidding in Government Procurement

  6. 使馆通过招标方式确定工程承包商;

    The Embassy shall determine the Contractor through tendering .

  7. 图书招标方式下高校图书馆图书采访质量保障策略

    Quality Assurance Policy of Book Purchase by Way of Bidding in Academic Library

  8. 招标方式采购量限度模型研究

    Research in the Mode of the limit of the Purchase Quantity of Inviting Tenders

  9. 用招标方式确定公益性建设项目法人的思考

    Use Invite Bid Method in Certain Public-Spirited Developments Project Legal Person to Considers Comparatively

  10. 根据这个方案,住宅用地会以招标方式出售。

    Under this approach , residential sites will be offered for sale by tender .

  11. 采用招标方式确定公益性建设项目法人是一个比较好的方法。

    Bidding for the qualification of the public-spirited developments project is a good method .

  12. 采用公开招标方式进行仪器设备的采购,现已得到了广泛的应用。

    Digest Nowadays , Purchase instrument and equipment through public bidding is implemented widely .

  13. 本次线网修编采用招标方式,由中外两家咨询单位分别同时编制,最终方案由北京市城市规划设计研究院汇总综合。

    The final scheme is integrated by Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design .

  14. 招标方式下高校图书馆图书采购的质量控制

    Talking about the Quality Control of Book Procurement of University Library under the Bidding Mode

  15. 招标方式的采用使公司节约了大量工程建设投资,提高了工程建设质量。

    The adopting of bidding of Northeast Appliances Co. has economized construction funds and improved quality of projects .

  16. 由于公开招标方式采购在我国的时间不是很长,难免会存在各种各样的问题。

    As a purchased way , competitive bidding has not practiced in our country very long , various questions exist unavoidably .

  17. 兹以招标方式在天津市西青区兴建一个假日旅店,欢迎参加投标。

    We invite tenderers to take part in the tender for the construction of a Holiday Inn in Xiqing District , Tianjin .

  18. 经对招标方式和非招标方式进行研究比较,选用国际竞争性谈判方式进行采购。

    By comparing bidding type with non-biding procurement types , the international competitive negotiation was selected for bidding the EFTF cladding project .

  19. 近几年,我国出现企业以招标方式选聘会计师事务所的做法,本文称其为“审计招投标”。

    In recent years , as one of auditor 's appointment means , audit tendering has emerged in the audit market of china .

  20. 对中文图书采购实行招标方式的意义、特点进行了阐述,并分析了图书采购招标的内容及评标实现方法。

    This paper analyzes the meaning and characteristics of purchasing Chinese books by public bidding , and discusses the bidding content and realizing methods .

  21. 随着工程公司模式的不断完善,通过招标方式选择重要设备、材料的供应商已成为一种趋势。

    With the mode of engineering firm further improved , it has become a trend to select suppliers of important equipment and materials through bidding .

  22. 各种不同的招标方式和模型有其特殊性和适用的范围,在实际应用中必须考虑项目的特点。

    Different modes of invitation to tender have their own particularity and range of convenience and we must consider the trait of the given project .

  23. 同时,针对项目经理管理按不同工程招标方式涉及不同环节和不同管理模式的情况,进行管理流程分析和数据流程分析。

    Meanwhile , control flow analysis and data flow analysis are made based on different processes and monitoring models involved in different ways of bidding .

  24. 上海国际汽车城公园路工程采用公开招标方式选择承包商。

    The mode of calling for tenders in public has been used in Gongyuan Rd Project of Shanghai International Automobile City Works to choose contractors .

  25. 建设工程采用招标方式择优选择施工单位,是从根本上杜绝豆腐渣工程的有效途径。

    Public bidding which is employed for engineering projects to select construction firms is the effective way to fundamentally get rid of the " tofukasu " projects .

  26. 本文通过对投标人的问卷调查,了解了我国目前建设工程交易市场的主要招标方式、投标人中标率、投标直接费用等情况。

    By means of questionnaire investigation , this article found out the primary bidding mode , successful bid ratio and direct charges in current construction trading market of China .

  27. 根据是项计划,按揭证券公司票据将以不定期招标方式售予金管局指定的市场庄家及认可交易商。

    Under the programme , the HKMC notes will be sold from time to time by tender to a group of market makers and recognized dealers appointed by the hkma .

  28. 结果与结论:希望国家完善招标方式、方法,出台更有效的政策、法规,规范医药市场;

    RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS : It is hoped that our government could improve the mode and method of bidding and work out more effective policies and regulations to normalize the medicine market .

  29. 为获得政府采购合同,一些不法供应商在投标过程中达成合谋,最典型的例子是在通过公开招标方式进行政府采购时供应商之间的串通投标行为。

    To obtain government procurement contracts , some suppliers colluded with others in the tendering process , the most typical example is bid-rigging among suppliers made in the government procurement through tendering .

  30. 5研究了不同招标方式、不同承发包模式下工程招投标的社会成本问题,为完善招投标制度,进一步规范招投标市场行为,促进建筑产业集约化升级变革提供理论上的支持。

    Finally , the dissertation researches the social cost under different tendering and contract modes , which provides the theory support to promote the tendering bidding system and standardize the construction market actions .