
  • 网络Recruitment;Job
  1. 通过招聘广告求职成功的例子也不少,而招聘会带来的收获就不怎么显著了&对经验丰富的专业人员来说更是如此。

    Responding to ads on job boards also ranks high , while attending career fairs delivers modest returns & especially for experienced professionals .

  2. 他不想一直在赴招聘会求职的大学生这种同质化、规模又不大的人才池中寻找新员工。

    He does not want to keep fishing for recruits in the small and homogenous pool of university students who go along to recruitment fairs .

  3. 在很多情况下,人脉能让应聘者得到面试机会,而简历只是用来告诉招聘单位求职者的一些背景信息。

    In many cases , networking will get an applicant an interview , and a resume is needed only to remind an employer about a job-seeker 's background .

  4. 正面观点:那些赞成在简历上方写求职目标的人说这样会告诉招聘经理求职者想要的是什么,这是对应聘初级职位的人是最有帮助的。

    Pro : Those in favor of including an objective at the top of your resume say it tells the hiring manager what the candidate is looking for , which is most helpful if you 're seeking an entry-level position .

  5. 无论是RJP还是TJP的招聘形式,求职者的初始期望对于工作申请意愿的影响都非常小,但前者影响关系不显著,后者影响关系显著。

    Whether RJP or TJP recruitment forms , the effect of the initial expectations on job application intention is very small . The relationship in the RJP is not significant , but in TJP is significant .

  6. 招聘人员和求职人员主要通过发送网上信息进行交流和沟通。

    The job recruitment and job-seekers can exchange by sending online message primarily .

  7. 招聘会为求职者和招聘者提供理想的见面机会。

    The Fair provides an ideal opportunity for jobseekers and employers to meet .

  8. 招聘公司在求职申请中寻找证据,证明毕业生能够克服这些制度方面的狭隘。

    Recruiters are looking for evidence in job applications that graduates can overcome such institutional insularity .

  9. •“招聘经理问求职者有什么问题,他竟然用一个‘冷笑话’来回答。”

    • " when asked by the hiring manager if he had any questions , the candidate replied by telling a knock-knock joke . "

  10. 招聘经理在求职面试中常常问的第一个问题就是请简单介绍一下自己,而且这实际上也是求职者将事情搞砸的第一次机会。

    It 's often the first thing hiring managers ask candidates in job interviews , and the first opportunity to really screw things up .

  11. 本系统包括如下功能:管理员可以使用该系统为企业招聘、个人求职提供服务。

    This system including following function : The manager may use this system for the enterprise employment advertise , personally seeks employment provides the service .

  12. 因此,我国的招聘企业和求职人才对我国的人才招聘网站提供的服务并不满意。

    Our country 's application invitation enterprises and job seekers are not satisfied with the services which our country 's human resources applicated invitation supplied .

  13. 即便是招聘高峰期,求职面试也会非常伤神费脑,然而科技巨头谷歌的面试题则因其奇葩刁钻而异常出名。

    Going for a job interview is nerve-racking at the best of times , but tech giant Google has become notorious for asking fiendishly tough questions .

  14. 最后,据中国人力资源和社会保障部估计,过去3个月招聘岗位与求职者人数的比率已从108:100降至105:100。

    Finally , the human resources ministry estimated that the ratio of job openings to job seekers fell from 108 to 105 over the past three months .

  15. 其功能在于建立招聘方和求职者之间良好的互动关系以促使后者应聘,而这正是人际意义所研究的范围。

    One function of job advertisements is to establish a good relationship between the recruiter and the potential applicants , which is realized by the resource for interpersonal meaning .

  16. 主要发布天津招聘、天津求职及人事人才信息,为单位提供网络招聘、天津招聘会、报纸招聘、委托招聘、人才派遣等服务。

    Mainly by tianjin recruitment , employment and personnel in tianjin , provide information for talent recruitment , tianjin fair , network newspapers , recruiting , hiring talent dispatching services .

  17. 他所关注的是一些招聘经理淘汰求职者的理由非常“愚蠢并且与工作无关”,例如一些求职者饮用啤酒的照片。

    His concern is that some hiring managers may be disqualifying candidates " for ridiculous reasons that have nothing to do with the job " & for example , pictures of them drinking beer .

  18. 营销机构InboundMarketingAgents联合创始人帕特o奥因斯对《财富》杂志表示,从去年开始在招聘广告中要求求职者为“数字原生代”。

    In bound Marketing Agents " co-founder Pat Owings told Fortune that Inbound has been using the term " digital native " on itsjob ads since last year .

  19. 招聘会上无数求职者将自己的简历尽可能多地投递给可能的雇主。

    Crowds of job-hunters press their resumes upon potential employers at a job fair .

  20. 研究还发现,老板宁愿雇佣那些有魅力、更喜欢与之在一起的雇员,也不愿招聘完全合格的求职者。

    Bosses would rather hire someone they find attractive and enjoy spending time with than the perfectly-qualified candidate , it has been claimed .

  21. 北京、上海、广州等一线大城市既是企业的招聘热点,也是求职者们的追捧热门,然而这一情况可能在2010年有所变化。

    Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou and other first-tier cities are not only hot places for employers , but for job-seekers as well . However , the situation may change in2010 .

  22. 同样地,任何描述为“创业职位”的招聘广告都要求求职者必须乐于接受老板指派的任何任务。

    Similarly , any job ad that describes an " entrepreneurial position " will demand a willingness to do whatever task needs to be done from the person who takes the gig .

  23. 第五项研究基于20名求职者的面试来考察言语信号是如何影响招聘的。这些求职者拥有不同的社会经济背景,他们都是应聘耶鲁大学一个入门级实验室经理的职位。

    The fifth study examined how these speech cues influence hiring , based on 20 prospective job candidates from varied socioeconomic backgrounds who were recruited to interview for an entry-level lab manager position at Yale .

  24. 整个毕业生就业咨询服务系统实现了系统资源管理、职业生涯规划及能力测评、职前教育网上课堂、在线咨询辅导、企业网上招聘、学生网上求职、就业信息网站、网上办公和毕业生派遣管理等功能。

    This service system achieves such functions as resource management , career planning and evaluation capacity , pre-service on-line education classroom , on-line counseling , on-line recruit of businesses , on-line job search , employment information web site , online working and graduate dispatching .

  25. 某个圣诞假日,乐购连锁超市急需圣诞树灯饰清理员,于是马上发出了招聘广告。对求职者的要求是:举止亲和、乐于助人、有耐心,当然,最重要的是要能得心应手地清理各种杂乱的电灯线。

    Supermarket chain Tesco found themselves in need of a Christmas tree light untangler this festive season and promptly advertised for someone with " a friendly helpful demeanour , oodles of patience and of course , the innate knack to be able to untangle even the most scrambled of wires . "

  26. 但是,基于对穆斯林“严重夸大”的看法的“非理性”伊斯兰恐惧症也同样重要,这说明“即便法国招聘人员认为穆斯林求职者在能力方面与基督徒求职者完全相同,他们仍会纯粹出于反感而歧视穆斯林”。

    But " non-rational " Islamophobia , based on " grotesquely exaggerated " feelings about Muslims , is just as important , indicating that " even if French recruiters considered Muslim candidates as strictly identical to Christian candidates in terms of productive characteristic , they would still discriminate against Muslims , out of pure distaste " .

  27. 首先,被企业招聘人员称为“开放市场溢价”的额外薪资通常会支付给从企业外部招聘来的求职者。

    For one thing , extra dough recruiters call it an " open-market premium " often goes to job candidates wooed from outside .

  28. 为此,我先将虚假招聘视为一类事件,在众多大学生身上恰好发生了数件因虚假招聘所致之求职受骗的事件性过程,这类过程由许多更小的过程所构成。

    So , I first put false invite applications for a job as a type of event , number of " job hunting deceived " event processes just happen in many college students , which are composed of smaller processes .