
  1. 去年第三季度,亚马逊高调发布了KindleFire平板电脑,分析人士普遍认为亚马逊是在赔本赚吆喝。

    Last fall saw the high-profile release of the kindle fire tablet , a device many analysts believe Amazon initially sold at a loss .

  2. 对于没有信用记录的新手而言,你可能需要牺牲利润来提高分值,赔本赚吆喝。

    As a newcomer with no credit record , you may have to sacrifice profits to boost your score .

  3. 根据正在考虑的提议,华为将以较大折扣提供硬件,作为一笔“赔本赚吆喝”的买卖,以便打入英国市场。

    Under the proposals being considered , Huawei would offer its hardware at a large discount as a loss leader , as part of a wider effort to break into the UK market .

  4. 很多米其林餐厅其实都是在赔本赚吆喝,它的名声使大厨能够赚取很高的私人烹饪费,还有些米其林餐厅则做起了低成本的配套食品和低价餐厅。

    For many Michelin star restaurateurs , the restaurant is a loss leader whose fame allows the chef to charge high speaking or private cooking fees ; others start lines of premade food or lower priced restaurants .