
péi cháng
  • compensate for;pay for;indemnify;reparation;reimbursement;amends;restitution;redress;make compensation;satisfaction;satisfy;make good;recompense;make amends
赔偿 [péi cháng]
  • (1) [indemnify]∶对损失、损坏或伤害的补偿

  • 保险公司赔偿了他的损失

  • (2) [satisfy]∶对受害的一方补偿或赔款

  • 签订一个赔偿条约

赔偿[péi cháng]
  1. 第一百一十六条当事人一方由于上级机关的原因,不能履行合同义务的,应当按照合同约定向另一方赔偿损失或者采取其他补救措施,再由上级机关对它因此受到的损失负责处理。

    Article 116 If a party fails to fulfil its contractual obligations on account of a higher authority , it shall first compensate for the losses of the other party or take other remedial measures as contractually agreed and then the higher authority shall be responsible for settling the losses it sustained .

  2. 在美国苹果也面临诸多控告:涉嫌降低设备运行速度,没有对电池的性能不佳做出赔偿,欺骗iPhone用户。

    Apple is already facing lawsuits in the United States over accusations of having defrauded iPhone users by slowing down devices without warning to compensate for poor battery performance .

  3. 他们已经核定赔偿额。

    They have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid .

  4. 他被责令支付总额为3万英镑的损害赔偿金。

    He was ordered to pay damages totalling £ 30 000 .

  5. 他还在力争事故后的赔偿。

    He 's still fighting for compensation after the accident .

  6. 他得到那家公司600英镑的赔偿。

    He received £ 600 by way of compensation from the company .

  7. 玻璃杯如有损坏,要负责赔偿。

    You 'll be expected to replace any broken glasses .

  8. 租约明确规定,一切损坏必须赔偿。

    The lease plainly states that all damage must be paid for .

  9. 你能向你投保的公司要求赔偿这一损失吗?

    Can you claim for the loss on your insurance ?

  10. 我得到了1000元的收入损失赔偿。

    I received $ 1 000 in recompense for loss of earnings .

  11. 他判得损害赔偿金5万英镑。

    He was awarded damages of £ 50 000 .

  12. 这家报纸被罚以五十万英镑的诽谤损害赔偿金。

    The paper got clobbered with libel damages of half a million pounds .

  13. 你必须对造成的任何损失负赔偿责任。

    You will be liable for any damage caused .

  14. 她终于赢得了这场要求赔偿的法律斗争。

    She finally won the legal battle for compensation .

  15. 她因受伤向公司要求获得损害赔偿金。

    She claimed damages from the company for the injury she had suffered .

  16. 他们向工厂提出了赔偿要求。

    They lodged a compensation claim against the factory .

  17. 安被判予6000英镑的损害赔偿金。

    Ann was awarded £ 6 000 damages .

  18. 可能会判处精神伤害赔偿。

    Damages may be awarded for emotional injury .

  19. 得到赔偿金1万英镑

    to receive £ 10 000 in compensation .

  20. 他们有要求赔偿的合法权利。

    They have a valid claim to compensation .

  21. 她得到了25000英镑赔偿金。

    She collected £ 25 000 in compensation .

  22. 我坚持要赔偿损失。

    I insist on paying for the damage .

  23. 如我公司给您造成损失或有所损坏,您都将得到赔偿。

    You will be reimbursed for any loss or damage caused by our company .

  24. 她的律师说她应该为所遭受的痛苦得到赔偿。

    Her lawyers say she should be compensated for the suffering she had been caused .

  25. 你的索赔应当能成功,假如这样的话,损害赔偿金将会相当可观。

    Your claim ought to succeed , in which case the damages will be substantial .

  26. 法庭判给他处罚性的损害赔偿。

    He was awarded punitive damages .

  27. 假如机票超售而不能登机,你有权获得赔偿。

    If you are bumped off an airline because of overbooking , you are entitled to compensation .

  28. 灾难过后军官们正在要求赔偿精神损失。

    The officers are claiming compensation for trauma after the disaster .

  29. 他们进行虚假索赔,骗取了保险公司的赔偿金。

    They diddled their insurance company by making a false claim .

  30. 他们打算向那3位医生索要损害赔偿。

    They intend to claim for damages against the three doctors .