
  1. 航空事故人身损害赔偿权利人的身份,在航空运输实践中有时很难界定。

    People usually think that claimants for personal injury compensation in air crash only are passengers .

  2. 第三部分论述了执行职务行为时赔偿权利人的范围界定。

    The third part discusses the act of performing their duties were to define the scope of compensation rights .

  3. 但问题的核心应当是数个侵权行为人的责任问题或者说赔偿权利人的权利问题。

    The core of the question should be the liability of several doers or the right of the victims .

  4. 第四部分论述了道路交通事故社会救助基金作为赔偿权利人的情形。

    Part IV discusses the social assistance fund road traffic accidents were the case , as the right to compensation .

  5. 赔偿权利人在向犯罪分子索赔不能的情况下,往往单独起诉经营者要求赔偿。

    On condition that compensate obligees can 't claim from criminal , often alone sue the operator and demand to compensate .

  6. 对于不同的赔偿权利人,应视其与承运人的法律关系分别适用相应的法律进行理赔。

    Due to the legal relation ate difference between different claimant fur compensation and the carrier , the claimant for compensation should acquire indemnification according to corresponding laws .

  7. 在侵权法领域,权利遭受损害,赔偿权利人依法享有损害赔偿请求权,得以向侵权人提起损害赔偿诉讼。

    In the area of tort law , rights , damage , compensation rights were legally entitled to claim damages , infringer to bring to an action for damages .

  8. 为确保赔偿权利人实现赔偿权,法律还规定了具有可操作性的几种实现方式,并在执行环节采取相应的措施。

    In order to guarantee the compensation right person to realize the compensation power , the law also stipulated several realizations ways and taken the corresponding measure in the executive stage .

  9. 事实上,航空事故发生后,赔偿权利人除旅客外,还有机上其他人员、地面第三人以及受害人的近亲属等。

    In fact , after the accident , not only the passengers have claim on the carrier , but also other people on hoard , third parties on the surface and she decedent 's near relatives do .

  10. 第二部分从财产和人身损害角度论述了非执行职务行为时赔偿权利人的确定,并重点论述了人身损害赔偿权利人的范围界定。

    The second part of the property and personal injury from the point of view discusses the behavior of their duties to determine compensation for human rights and personal injury compensation focuses on the rights of people to define the scope .

  11. 同时,未来法律修改应当在构成要件、归责原则、赔偿权利人的范围以及民事诉讼程序机制等方面对我国现行食品安全惩罚性损害赔偿制度进行完善。

    Meanwhile , the future legal changes should be attributed responsibility elements , principles , right to compensation , as well as the range of civil procedure , such as mechanisms for the current punitive damages of the food safety system in our country to perfect .

  12. 第五部分着重论述了受害人身份不明时赔偿权利人的确定问题,分析了救助站、民政局不能成为适格权利人的原因,提出应当赋予特定机关权利人地位。

    Part V focuses on the rights of the victims were unknown when the determination of compensation , Analysis of the assistance station , the Civil Administration can not be the right person eligibility reasons , made the right should be given the status of specific organs .

  13. 而在实体上的完善则一方面应该规定内幕交易赔偿请求权利人的范围;另一方面要完善内幕交易民事责任的内容规定。

    And in the improvement of the entity , on the one hand , should stipulate the scope of the holder of the insider trading compensation request ; compensation for insider trading and other hand to improve the content of civil liability for insider trading provisions .

  14. 第六十条侵犯专利权的赔偿数额,按照权利人因被侵权所受到的损失或者侵权人因侵权所获得的利益确定;

    Article 60 . The amount of compensation for the damage caused by the infringement of the patent right shall be assessed on the basis of the losses suffered by the patentee or the profits which the infringer has earned through the infringement .

  15. 在确定医疗损害赔偿责任的法律关系时,应注意赔偿权利人和义务人的变化。

    In analyzing the legal relationship related to a medical damage , the conversance of person having and person owing liability should be paid special attentions to .

  16. 惩罚性赔偿制度有利于营造公平的竞争环境,使商业秘密权利人得到有效的赔偿,弥补法律救济途径的不足,积极有效遏制商业秘密侵权行为、实现实质公平赔偿及鼓励权利人维护自身权利。

    Punitive damages system to create a fair competitive environment and trade secrets rights effective compensation to compensate for the lack of legal remedies , to actively and effectively to contain trade secrets infringement , the substance of fair compensation and to encourage rights holders to defend their rights .

  17. 对赔偿数额的确定应遵循一定的原则,首要的是全面赔偿原则,即赔偿数额足以满足权利人损失。

    The amount of compensation should be determined to follow certain principles . The most important is the principle of full compensation that is sufficient to meet the loss of copyright .