
jiè zhi
  • ring
戒指 [jiè zhǐ]
  • [ring] 用金属或其他材料做成的小环,常镶有宝石,戴在手指上作为装饰品、纪念物或护身符,或用作印章

  • 钻石戒指

戒指[jiè zhi]
  1. 我买了一枚戒指,留作对希腊的纪念。

    I bought the ring as a souvenir of Greece .

  2. 我紧张地转动着手指上的戒指。

    Nervously I twisted the ring on my finger .

  3. 她戴着一枚净面的金戒指。

    She wore a simple band of gold on her finger .

  4. 她摆弄着手指上的戒指。

    She was twiddling the ring on her finger .

  5. 这戒指总是给我带来好运。

    This ring has always brought me good luck .

  6. 那枚戒指值不了几个钱,但却极有情感价值。

    The ring wasn 't worth very much but it had great sentimental value .

  7. 那枚戒指肯定要值好多钱。

    That ring must be worth a fortune .

  8. 这枚戒指是我最珍爱的财产。

    This ring is my most treasured possession .

  9. 这枚戒指是为她订做的。

    The ring was specially made for her .

  10. 他的手指上戴着几枚金戒指。

    Gold rings adorned his fingers .

  11. 一张照片、一本诗集和一枚金戒指——这就是他的全部家当。

    A photo , a book of poems and a gold ring ─ this was the sum total of his possessions .

  12. 她无法相信真有人会龌龊到这种地步,竟然从一个死去的女人手指上偷戒指。

    She was unwilling to believe anyone would stoop so low as to steal a ring from a dead woman 's finger .

  13. 戒指内侧有一层厚厚的锈斑。

    The tarnish lay thick on the inside of the ring .

  14. 她低下头轻吻大主教的戒指。

    She bowed her head and kissed the Archbishop 's ring .

  15. 他每个手指上都戴着枚戒指。

    There was a ring on each of his fingers .

  16. 友谊对我来说可比一个破戒指重要得多!

    Friendship is much more important to me than a stupid old ring !

  17. 她低头盯着双手,转动手指上的戒指。

    She was staring down at her hands , twisting the ring on her finger

  18. 娜奥米正在炫耀她的订婚戒指。

    Naomi was showing off her engagement ring

  19. 她戴了好几个钻石戒指。

    She wore several diamond rings .

  20. 他捧起她的左手,希望这只手的中指有朝一日会戴上一枚金戒指。

    He took her left hand , hoping that it would someday bear a gold ring on the third finger .

  21. 他斟酌着何时给她戒指。

    He pondered on when to give her the ring .

  22. 她男朋友给她买了一枚式样简单的金戒指。

    Her boyfriend bought her a plain gold ring .

  23. 他在她的抽屉里偶然发现了一枚戒指。

    He came across a ring in her drawer .

  24. 他们挑选了一枚钻石订婚戒指。

    They selected a diamond engagement ring .

  25. 那只戒指不过是镀金的。

    The ring was only plated ( with gold ) .

  26. 请收下这枚戒指作为信物。

    Please have this ring for a keepsake .

  27. 这枚金戒指应该还给失主。

    The gold ring should be given back to the owner .

  28. 他那白晳的小手上戴着两枚名贵的戒指。

    His small white hands were adorned with two valuable rings .

  29. 啊钻石戒指锐特,你一定买一颗很大的钻石戒指。

    Oh-a diamond Ring-and rhett , do buy a great big one .

  30. 这正是我母亲自己的订婚戒指。

    It was my mother 's very own engagement ring .