
jiè yán fǎ
  • martial law;martial law act
  1. 戒严法、公共卫生应急法等单行的紧急状态专门法;

    Specific laws , such as martial law , law concerning public health etc. ;

  2. 1981年12月戒严法实施后,莱赫被拘禁了10个月。

    After the imposition of martial law in December 1981 , he was interned for ten months .

  3. 我们应该以此为出发点,为戒严法重新定位、修订我国现行的戒严法。

    Therefore , basing on this point , Martial Law should be amended to definite it anew .

  4. 非常法制体系中的戒严法&兼谈我国戒严法的修改

    Martial Law of Legal System in Special Situations & proposal about the amendment to martial law of China

  5. 之后,小规模的各种抗租抗税活动在整个州蔓延开来,到1845年,州长被迫宣布实施戒严法。

    Sporadic acts of resistance against rent and tax collection spread across the state , and in1845 the governor declared martial law .

  6. 采取严密的戒备措施。且由于戒严法的严格规范,社区和团体也无法组织起来保护他们拥有的资源和环境。

    Due to the draconian measures of martial law , the communities and groups also could not organize themselves to protect their resources and their environment .

  7. 我不带偏见地对旁遮普戒严法进行过研究,我相信,被定罪的人中,至少95%以上是冤枉的。

    My unbiased examination of the Punjab Martial Law cases has led me to believe that at least ninety-five per cent of convictions were wholly bad .

  8. 我们反对实施戒严法,因为它以安全高于个人自由或强权即公理的信条来剥夺公民的各项权利。

    We oppose the pursuit of martial law , which denies those rights to citizens under the principle that security trumps individual freedom , or that might makes right .