
jiè jiǔ
  • stop drinking;give up drinking;dry out;detoxification;swear off drinking;detoxify
戒酒 [jiè jiǔ]
  • (1) [abstain from wine;leave off drinking;stop drinking;on the wagon]∶按照誓约或决心戒除含酒精饮料地(的)

  • 我确实喝酒但是我现在马上就戒酒

  • (2) [teetoal]∶主张或实行不喝酒

  • (3) [Rechabitism]∶勒卡布戒酒会会员(戒酒者)的实践

  1. 她劝她丈夫戒酒,但她没有成功。

    She advised her husband to give up drinking , but failed .

  2. 他直到失去健康才会戒酒。

    Not until he loses his health will he give up drinking .

  3. 他现在正努力戒酒。

    He is now fighting his addiction to alcohol .

  4. 他去诊所戒酒并控制饮食。

    He went to a clinic to cure his drinking and overeating .

  5. 酒是有放射性的,可是很少有人因此而戒酒。

    Wine is radioactive but few people stop drinking it on that account .

  6. 他住进西达赛奈医院去戒酒。

    He checked into Cedars Sinai Hospital to dry out

  7. 我这段时间正在戒酒,对体内进行大扫除。

    I 'm on the wagon for a while . Cleaning out my system .

  8. 他说女性在计划怀孕之前应该戒酒。

    Women , he says , should give up alcohol before they plan to conceive

  9. 他住进了戒酒治疗中心。

    He has checked into an alcohol treatment centre

  10. 这只是为让那些酗酒者戒酒所尝试的方法之一。

    This is but one of the methods used to try and get alcoholics to give up drink .

  11. 除非医生告诉他喝酒会要他的命,否则他是不会戒酒的。

    He won 't stop drinking unless he 's told by a doctor that it 's killing him .

  12. 我遵照医嘱,将他关在屋子里直到他戒酒成功。

    I approved the doctor 's order to keep him in the room till he was dried out .

  13. 你手上有戒酒匿名会的书吗

    Do you have a copy of the Alcoholics Anonymous book ?

  14. 他已决心戒烟、戒酒。

    He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking .

  15. 这也是鼓励人们一月期间戒酒的一项活动。

    It 's also a campaign to encourage abstinence from alcohol during January .

  16. 戒酒(烟)者,是经不起要他放弃某一乐趣的诱惑而屈服的弱者。

    Abstainer : a weak person who yield to the temptation of deny himself a pleasure .

  17. 戒酒者:一个意志薄弱的人,经不起拒绝享受的诱惑。

    Abstainer : a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure .

  18. “一月戒酒”指的是在一月戒掉酒精的一种习惯,这种习俗一般指在英国。

    Dry January is a custom of abstaining1 from alcohol for the month of January , particularly practised in the United Kingdom .

  19. “戒酒的一月”是指整个一月都不喝酒,保持“滴酒不沾”的行为,这么做通常是因为假日期间饮酒过量。

    Drynuary is the practice of not drinking for the entire month of January -- staying " dry " -- usually in response to over-consumption during the holidays .

  20. 一位身份数百万的媒体大亨,坦诚地告诉他全体员工他将暂时搁置他的事业以便参加戒酒班,令员工大为惊愕。

    A multimillionaire media magnate has shocked his employees with his candor by telling them all that he 's putting his business affairs on hold to enter an alcoholism-counseling program .

  21. 这种“醒酒脚环”将24小时佩戴,每半小时对佩戴者的汗液进行酒精测试以对其进行强制戒酒。

    The " sobriety tags " , to be worn around the clock , will enforce abstinence by measuring a person 's perspiration1 every 30 minutes and testing to see if it contains alcohol .

  22. 如果不戒酒,大多数酒精性肝炎患者最终将进展为肝硬化并死亡,Dr。

    Without abstinence , the majority of people with alcoholic hepatitis eventually develop cirrhosis and die , says Dr.

  23. Ida曾多次想要戒酒,

    Ida had tried to quit drinking many times ,

  24. 哦Andrew你觉得我不爱你,所以不会戒酒?

    Oh , Andrew , you don 't think I love you enough to give up alcohol ?

  25. ECG改变与急性酒精中毒患者的相似,且亦出现在急性戒酒综合征(特别是震颤性谵妄)中。

    ECG changes similar to those due to acute alcohol intoxication are also present in acute abstinence syndrome , especially in delirium tremens .

  26. 仅有一次,当Williams怀上她最小的孩子时,她设法成功的永远戒酒。

    It was only once Williams was expecting her youngest child that she managed to give up alcohol for good .

  27. 直到1997年,Perry意识到自己必须戒毒、戒酒,并接受了28天的康复疗程。

    Perry realized he needed to sober up and entered a 28-day rehabilitation program in 1997 .

  28. 酒精性心肌病(ACM)预后的关键在于早期诊断、彻底戒酒。

    The key to the treatment of alcoholic cardiomyopathy ( ACM ) is early diagnosis and total abstinence from alcohol .

  29. 结果多因素影响戒酒疗效,而主要相关因素有:家庭支持方式、治疗依从性、症状类型、治疗方法,艾森克个性问卷E量表分、症状自评量表焦虑因子分和自我预测结果。

    Results Multiple factors influenced the outcome , and the seven main factors correlated to the outcome included : family support , medication compliance , symptom , therapy , EPQ E scale , SCL 90 anxiety factor and the self confidence .

  30. 例如:SamuelJohnson曾说过:”禁酒容易程度和戒酒的困难程度一样大“我发现完全戒掉要比适度放纵更容易。

    Like Samuel Johnson , who said ," Abstinence is as easy to me as temperance would be difficult ," I find it much easier to abstain rather than to indulge moderately .