
jìn yān
  • to prohibit smoking;fasting;ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade
禁烟 [jìn yān]
  • (1) [fasting]∶禁火

  • (2) [ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade]∶禁止吸食或贩卖鸦片;也指禁止吸烟

  • 林则徐的禁烟运动展示了中华民族的伟大革命精神

禁烟[jìn yān]
  1. 加拿大将从今年晚些时候起在办公场所全面禁烟。

    Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year .

  2. 该活动正受到禁烟倡导者的攻击。

    The campaign is drawing fire from anti-smoking advocates .

  3. 中国的禁烟法将于下周一在北京实施。

    The No-Smoking Law in China will be carried out next Monday in Beijing .

  4. 目前,爱尔兰政府正考虑对搭载儿童的车辆实行禁烟,并继续提高烟草的价格。

    Dublin is also looking to ban smoking in cars with children and to continue increasing the price of tobacco .

  5. 10年前,爱尔兰开创了工作场所全面禁烟的潮流,而现在,该国不顾烟草公司的激烈反对,正在努力成为欧盟首个香烟素面包装的国家。

    Ten years after setting a trend with its workplace smoking ban , Ireland is pushing ahead to be the first EU state with plain packaging for cigarettes , despite fierce opposition1 from tobacco companies .

  6. 所以,应把禁烟列入CO作业工人的安全作业规程。

    Therefore , smoking prohibition should be included in the regulation of safety for all CO exposed workers .

  7. 票务员:好的,朱先生??整个飞机都是禁烟区的。(第X次)各国禁毒执法机构负责人区域间会议

    Ticket Agent : OK , Mr. Drew ... The whole flight is nonsmoking . Interregional Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies

  8. Crane所做的正是禁烟支持者对所有商户要求,尽管还没有制定出执行的规则以及明确的处罚方法。

    Crane is doing what smoking-ban advocates want all businesses to do , even though the state hasn 't set enforcement rules or specific fines .

  9. PHC人员不足与较少参与禁烟活动也有关系。

    Insufficient staff in the PHC was also found to be associated with lower participation in the anti-smoking programme .

  10. 亿万富翁迈克布隆伯格(MikeBloomberg)和比尔盖茨(BillGates)创建了一只禁烟法律基金,旨在帮助较低收入国家保护它们的烟草控制法不受烟草公司诉讼的影响。

    Billionaires Mike Bloomberg and Bill Gates have launched an anti-smoking legal fund designed to help lower-income countries defend their tobacco-control laws against lawsuits by cigarette companies .

  11. 好的,Abe先生。两人座的一桌,星期四晚上八点,禁烟区,对吗?

    All right , Mr. Abe . a table for tow on Thursday evening at eight , non - smoking - is that right ?

  12. 4月30日,阿尔斯特(ulster)也将禁烟;次日,美国亚利桑那州禁烟(部落领域除外)。

    On April 30 , it will be Ulster ; the following day , Arizona ( tribal lands exempted ) .

  13. 哈伯纳斯副总裁哈维尔特雷斯(javierterres)在古巴首都哈瓦那对记者表示,由于禁烟法令,发达国家的雪茄销量大幅下滑。

    Javier terres , Habanos vice president , told reporters in Havana , the Cuban capital , that cigar sales in the developed world had slumped due to anti-smoking laws .

  14. 布隆伯格表示,这笔规模相对较小的投资只是一个开始。他表示,自2007年以来,他的慈善捐赠机构布隆伯格慈善基金会(BloombergPhilanthropies)已花费6亿美元用于禁烟工作。

    Mr Bloomberg said the relatively small financial investment was just a start and pointed to the $ 600m that Bloomberg Philanthropies , his charitable giving vehicle , had spent on anti-smoking work since 2007 .

  15. 布隆伯格表示,这笔规模相对较小的投资“只是一个开始”。他表示,自2007年以来,他的慈善捐赠机构布隆伯格慈善基金会(BloombergPhilanthropies)已花费6亿美元用于禁烟工作。

    Mr Bloomberg said the relatively small financial investment was " just a start " and pointed to the $ 600m that Bloomberg Philanthropies , his charitable giving vehicle , had spent on anti-smoking work since 2007 .

  16. 注意防火,滑翔伞易燃,禁烟区内禁止吸烟,杜绝随地乱丢烟头;(如有发现违例者,罚款RMB300元)

    Pay attention to flammable paragliders . Don 't smoke in no-smoking areas and prevent throwing dog-end everywhere . ( an offender will get a fine of RMB300 )

  17. 本周,加利福尼亚北部贝尔蒙特市(Belmont)郊外住宅区正在争论私人公寓禁烟的想法。这一想法四年前曾在马里兰州某小镇开会讨论过,后来却淹没在反对声中。

    This week the northern California dormitory community of Belmont was debating the idea of banning smoking from private apartments , an idea first mooted , but then howled down , in a Maryland town four years ago .

  18. 公司禁烟者甚众,回望过去,五载光阴,期间85%的禁烟规章渐次引入(参见1986年6月16号每日劳动报道的a-4页)。

    Many companies now heavily restrict smoking , with 85 percent of these policies being introduced over the last five years ( daily labor report . June 16 , 1986 , P. A-4 ) .

  19. 所以,这一禁烟行动并没有得到严格执行。

    As a result , the ban was not taken seriously .

  20. 市政府计划发起禁烟运动

    The city hall be plan to start a campaign against smoking

  21. 因为爱尔兰,现在几乎整个欧洲都禁烟了。

    Because of Ireland almost all of Europe is smoke-free today .

  22. 能给我在禁烟区的位子吗?

    Could you please put me in the non smoking section ?

  23. 他废除了禁烟令;废除了一项禁运法令。

    He revoked the ban on smoking ; lift an embargo .

  24. 英国现在所有的公共场所都禁烟了。

    Smoking is now forbidden in public places in the UK .

  25. 许多西方国家逐渐开始了禁烟之战。

    Many western countries are stepping up the war against cigarettes .

  26. 在禁烟的苏格兰,此刻,她正打破戒律。

    In a smoking-free Scotland , she is breaking the law .

  27. 非禁烟公共场所环境烟草烟雾浓度调查

    Investigation of Environmental Smoke Concentration in Public Places Without Smoking Ban

  28. 又好像在一节禁烟车厢点烟一样愚蠢。

    Or , perhaps , lighting up in a non-smoking carriage ;

  29. 你觉得怎么样才能禁烟呢?

    What in your opinion can be done to stop smoking ?

  30. 日本的禁烟之战主播日本正加大对吸烟的打击力度。

    ANCHOR Japan is getting heavy-handed in its crackdown on smoking .