
  1. 禁止化学武器组织表示,美国正在为“CapeRay”号货轮配备现代化设备,准备在海上销毁大部分危险的化学武器。

    The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons says the U.S. is modifying the MV Cape Ray cargo ship with state of the art equipment to neutralise the most dangerous weapons at sea .

  2. HGN认为禁止化学武器公约是侵犯其在美国的流赌博技术专利,并下令该公司停止提供服务给客户。

    HGN argued CWC was infringing its US patent on streaming gambling technology and ordered the firm to stop offering the service to its clients .

  3. OPCW,即禁止化学武器组织公布的第二份临时报告认为今年早些时候在对叙利亚北部三个村庄的袭击中几乎肯定使用了氯气。

    The second interim report by the Fact Finding Mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons , or OPCW , concludes that chlorine was almost certainly used as a weapon in attacks on three villages in northern Syria earlier this year .

  4. 禁止化学武器组织筹备委员会

    Preparatory Commission for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

  5. 关于禁止化学武器的双边核查实验和数据交换

    Bilateral Verification Experiment and Data Exchange related to Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

  6. 禁止化学武器组织临时技术秘书处

    Provisional Technical Secretariat of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

  7. 巴黎禁止化学武器会议;

    Paris Conference on the prohibition of chemical weapons ;

  8. 禁止化学武器组织的西格丽德·卡格说道:

    Sigrid Kaag is with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons :

  9. 总部位于海牙的禁止化学武器组织成立于1997年,意在实施《禁止化学武器公约》的相关条款。

    The Hague-based OPCW was established to enforce the 1997 Chemical Weapons convention .

  10. 禁止化学武器组织的一名发言人表示,叙利亚提交的清单只是初始资料。

    An OPCW spokesman says Syria 's submission is an " initial declaration . "

  11. 彻底有效禁止化学武器的发展、生产和储存

    Complete and effective prohibition of the development , production and stockpiling of chemical weapons

  12. 全面禁止化学武器公约

    Convention on the Universal prohibition of Chemical Weapons

  13. 禁止化学武器多边公约;

    Multilateral Convention on banning chemical weapons ;

  14. 或直接由省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门汇总、实所有填报数据。

    The provincial CWC affairs authorities may also directly summarize and verify the submitted data .

  15. 必须每半年向所在地省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门报送销售记录。

    Sales records shall be submitted to the local provincial CWC affairs authorities every six months .

  16. 叙方表示一旦加入《禁止化学武器公约》将有30天时间来公布其武器。

    Syria says it has 30 days to declare its arsenal once it joins the Chemical Weapons Convention .

  17. 禁止化学武器组织表示,叙利亚内战引发的安全问题限制了他们的行动。

    The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical says security concerns caused by Syrian civil war are limiting movement .

  18. 禁止化学武器组织联合国特派团负责人西格里德·卡格表示,美国在将化学武器运出叙利亚时可能会遇到许多困难。

    OPCW UN mission chief Sigrid Kaag says the U.S. could face several obstacles getting the weapons out of Syria .

  19. 执法人员必须出具授权证书,并使用国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门统一印制的“处罚决定书”。

    Law enforcement personnel shall possess authorization credentials and use Penalty Decision Notifications centrally printed by the national CWC affairs authorities .

  20. 十一、业法人代表必须了解《条例》和《禁止化学武器公约》有关企业活动的规定。

    Thorough understanding by the enterprise 's legal person of relevant provisions outlined by the Regulations and the CWC concerning enterprise undertakings .

  21. 联合国专家正与获得诺贝尔奖的禁止化学武器组织携手努力,争取销毁叙利亚的化武储存。

    UN experts are working hand-in-hand with the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to destroy Syrias stockpiles .

  22. 早些时候,禁止化学武器组织达成一致,要求叙利亚在2014年上半年完成对所有化学武器的销毁。

    Earlier , the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons also agreed on a plan to destroy Syria 's stockpile by mid-2014 .

  23. 诺贝尔委员会表示,以此奖来表彰禁止化学武器组织为消除化学武器而做出的大量工作。

    The Nobel Committee says the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is honored for its extensive work to eliminate chemical weapons .

  24. 禁止化学武器组织表示,预计未来几天会收到叙利亚提交的更多详细信息,而原定于周日举行的会议已经推迟。

    The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons says it expects more details from Syria in the coming days and has postponed a meeting planned for Sunday .

  25. 国家和省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门每隔2-3年会同有关部门对被指定单位复查一次。

    The national and provincial CWC affairs authorities , in conjunction with other relevant departments , shall conduct re-examination on designated work units evpery two or three years .

  26. 我们强烈谴责在任何情况下使用化学武器的行为,欢迎叙利亚决定加入《禁止化学武器公约》。

    We strongly condemn the use of chemical weapons in any circumstances . We welcome the decision of the Syrian Arab Republic to accede to the Chemical Weapons Convention .

  27. 由禁止化学武器组织和联合国所组成的联合专家工作小组表示,叙利亚政府提交的文件看上去很有希望。

    The joint team of experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the United Nations say documents handed over by Syria 's government look promising .

  28. 西格里德·卡格在向联合国安理会介绍了情况以后表示,对联合国以及禁止化学武器组织来说,安全问题仍是巨大的挑战。

    After briefing the UN Security Council , Sigrid Kaag said security remains a big challenge for the UN and for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons .

  29. 并可用于危害性质相同的化学突发事件应急救援系统和履行《禁止化学武器公约》对遗留化学武器处理的风险评估。

    The model can be applied to the analogous chemical affairs in character for emergence response and emergence rescue as well as to the risk evaluation in disposed ACW in performing CWC .

  30. 禁止化学武器组织表示,35家商业公司提出将销毁部分叙利亚的其他武器,包括工业方面的武器,禁止化学武器组织称这些武器占据了叙利亚的主要库存。

    The OPCW says 35 commercial companies have offered to destroy some of Syria 's other chemicals , including industrial ones , which the organisation says constitute a major part of Syria 's inventory .