
jìn lì
  • prohibitory regulations;prohibitions
禁例 [jìn lì]
  • [prohibitory regulations] 禁止某种行为的条例;禁条

禁例[jìn lì]
  1. 乾隆朝时期湘西苗疆区域社会发生了巨大变化,导致清廷就湘西区域是否执行苗疆禁例展开了激烈的讨论,最终讨论的结果是将之废弛。

    Great social changes have taken place in Xiangxi during the period of Qianlong , resulting in a heated discussion of whether the Prohibitory Regulations of Miao Territory should be applied , and the final results of the discussion was to abolish it .

  2. 然而,为了秉承CreativeCommons的可扩展精神,将来可能会有其他的禁例,这是因为被许可的作品的本质和它们的用途都在改变。

    However , keeping with the extensible spirit of Creative Commons , there may be other prohibitions in the future , as the nature of licensed works and how they may be used changes .

  3. 禁例涵盖了您不能对一个作品所做的事情。

    Prohibitions cover things that you may not do with a work .

  4. 禁例涵盖了您

    Prohibitions cover things that you

  5. 本文即从更狭义的角度对禁例制度进行研究&即限于结婚禁例的研究。

    The paper researches the system in narrow sense & to limit the object to the rules forbidding getting married .