
rónɡ háng
  • army;rank
戎行 [róng háng]
  • (1) [troops]∶军队、行伍

  • (2) [military affairs]∶指军旅之事

  • 勿为新婚念,努力专戎行。--唐. 杜甫《新婚别》

  1. 戎行疗养院应用现有资本能够展开安康教育,处方点评,药事效劳等临床药学工作;

    The military sanatorium can make use of its existing resources to clinical pharmacy such as health education , prescription comment and pharmaceutical services .

  2. 经过比拟戎行疗养院与治疗病院的临床药学工作近况;讨论新医改后戎行疗养院临床药学工作内容。

    By comparing the clinical pharmacy treatment status of both military sanatorium and the hospitals , explore the contents of the military nursing home clinical pharmacy after the new medical reform .