
fā shēnɡ ɡuān xì
  • have an affair;have sexual relations with sb.;reck
  1. 我从没有想过想和修发生关系。

    I never meant to have an affair with hugh .

  2. 从细胞色素b基因全序列分析岩羊和山羊、绵羊的系统发生关系

    The Phylogenetic Relationship among Goat , Sheep and Bharal Based on Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene Sequences

  3. 微卫星DNA改变与肺鳞癌发生关系的系列研究

    Series Investigation of the Relationship between Microsatellite DNA Variations and Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Occurrence

  4. 从细胞色素b基因序列探讨我国林蛙属动物的系统发生关系

    Phylogenetic Relationships of Chinese Brown Frogs ( Rana ) Based on Sequence of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene

  5. 用RAPD技术研究了我国5种蝮属蛇类(中介蝮、蛇岛蝮、短尾蝮、高原蝮、乌苏里蝮)的系统发生关系。

    The phylogenetic relationship of pit vipers of the genus Agkistrodon from China was studied using RAPD technique .

  6. 大学的时候dave强行和我发生关系。

    Dave forced himself on me in college .

  7. 用RAPD技术研究了我国油葫芦属Teleogryllus5种蟋蟀的系统发生关系。

    The phylogenetic relationship of 5 species of the genus Teleogryllus from China was studied by means of RAPD technique .

  8. 中老年人CRP水平提高、脂质代谢紊乱,与DVT发生关系密切。

    The middle-aged person and old person CRP level enhances , the lipin metabolic disorder , has the relations with DVT to be close .

  9. 结论ALDH基因多态性与酒精性肝病的发生关系密切。

    Conclusions The gene polymorphism of ALDH is close to ALD .

  10. 【目的】PCR法扩增与测定白纹伊蚊和致倦库蚊的细胞内共生菌Wolbachia16SRRNA序列,分析其种系发生关系及传播方式。

    Objective To amplify and analyze the Wolbachia 16S rRNA sequences from Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus , and to analyze their phylogenetic relationship . I is presented . relation .

  11. 胃癌MG7抗原与其组织发生关系的研究

    Relationship between MG_7-Ag Expression and Histogenesis of Gastric Cancer

  12. 本文第一章综述了近年来SOX基因的有关研究进展及其突变和异常表达与人类相关疾病的发生关系。

    In this paper , the first chapter reviewed the researches progress of SOX genes in recent years and the connection of their mutation or abnormal expression with human deseases .

  13. 鉴于骨骼肌纤维类型与机体葡萄糖利用和糖尿病发生关系密切,我们假设发育早期GLP-1处理会通过改变肌球蛋白重链表达而改变肌纤维类型,从而程序化地改变成年后肌肉代谢类型。

    In view of the close relationship betweeen skeletal muscle fiber type , body glucose utilization and development of diabetes , we hypothesized that GLP-1 treatment at early development stage may program skeletal muscle fiber type through regulation of myosin heavy chain expression .

  14. 为什么她会让他与自己发生关系?

    Why ever did she let him knock her off ?

  15. 电影与文学发生关系的途径有多种,但两者最直接、最紧密的联系来自于电影对文学作品的改编。

    There are many ways to envisage the relationship between film and literature .

  16. 阵发性室上速与房颤发生关系的临床观察

    The Relationship of Preceding Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and the Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation

  17. 胃粘膜菌群与胃疾病发生关系的研究

    Investigation of stomach colonies in human and correlation between them and gastric diseases

  18. 乳头溢液与乳腺疾病的发生关系

    The Relationship Between Nipple Discharge and Mammary Disease

  19. 你与芙莉还没有发生关系?

    Are you and Julie not having sex ?

  20. 老年糖尿病颅内动脉流速异常与脑血管事件发生关系的研究

    Relation of abnormal cerebral arterial blood velocity and cerebral vascular incident in DM elder patients

  21. 质的研究结果表明:自我概念是价值取向与生活满意度发生关系的主要中介因素。

    The self-concept is one of the keys between value orientations and individual 's life satisfaction .

  22. 明确了关中西部麦田不同耕作制、耕作方式与杂草的发生关系。

    The result further defined the relation between the different cropping systems or the farming way and the weed occurrence .

  23. 研究中国狂犬病毒间系统发生关系,描述中国狂犬病毒的时空分布特征。

    To study phylogenetic relationships between rabies virus in China and describe characteristics of its spatial and temporal distribution ; 3 .

  24. 买办是近代上海的一种新的社会力量,在中国他们最早与西方的近代经济发生关系。作为一种新的社会力量,买办所接受的教育对他们产生着深远影响。

    As a kind of new social force , compradors became the first group people who had close relationship with the west .

  25. 四川省棉田寄生线虫种类及肾形线虫与棉花枯萎病发生关系的研究

    Studies on species of parasitic nematodes in cotton fields and the relationship between reniform nematode and the incidence of Fusarium Wilt in Sichuan

  26. 系统发生关系表明,植物漆酶是一个高度趋异的多基因家族,在种子植物分化为被子植物和裸子植物的前后,均可能发生了基因复制;

    Duplication of laccase genes has been a continuous process occurring before and after the seed plants diverged into gymnosperms , monocots , and dicots .

  27. 目的:研究卵巢癌病人基因组不稳定和转化生长因子β受体Ⅱ基因(TβR&Ⅱ)突变与其发生关系。

    Objective : To study the instabilities of microsatellite DNA and mutations of transforming growth factor β receptor ⅱ ( T β R - ⅱ) in ovarian cancers .

  28. 但同时,由于诗人肩负维护封建统治的大任,并把实现政治理想的希望寄托在明君身上,所以,对与政治发生关系的美女又大加讽刺。

    But meanwhile , since the poet took the responsibility of support for the feudal ambition , he used satire against the beauty that was involved in politics .

  29. 霉菌与肿瘤发生关系的研究&三、从林县粮食中分离的串珠镰刀菌和半裸镰刀菌诱癌实验

    Studies on the relationship between fungi and cancer & The experimental study of tumors induced by Fusarium moniliforme and F. semitectum isolated from the corn in Linxian County

  30. 法律平衡价值体现一种法&社会关系,它是基于法律结构属性而与社会发生关系的状态,表明了法律对社会的一种调整性和适应性。

    The balanced value of law reflects a kind of law-society relationship ; is based on the law 's structure and the adjustment and adaptation of law to society .