
  1. 别克V6发动机配气机构的分析与检修

    Analysis and Inspection & Repair of the Valve Gear of Buick Car V6 Engine

  2. 上海别克V6发动机配气机构为气门顶置、凸轮轴上置式,以齿形皮带同步传动。

    The valve mechanism of the V6engine of passenger car BUICK is overhang valve , overhang camshaft type ad driven synchronized with tooth-shaped belt .

  3. 综合以上研究成果研制开发出摩托车CG系列发动机配气机构计算机辅助设计系统,实现了动态分析和面向对象的综合设计过程。

    Synthesizing above results of research , CAD soft system for valve train in CG series motorcycle engine is developed , accomplish dynamic analyze and object oriented design process .

  4. 建立了CG系列发动机配气机构的动力学模型,通过对运动微分方程进行分析和计算,获得了气门的真实的运动规律和受力情况。

    Dynamic model of CG is valve train in CG series motorcycle engine is built . By analyzing and computing differential eguation , moving law and status of bearing force are gotten .

  5. 本文概述了捷达王用EA113型发动机配气机构的构造,详述了其拆卸和维修方法。

    The article summarized the structure of the valve train of model EA113 engine used in Jetta , also particularized the methods of teardown and Maintenance .

  6. 应用配气机构模拟计算软件AVLTYCON,针对某车用发动机配气机构,建立运动学和动力学模型,进行运动学和动力学计算。

    Using valve train simulation and calculation software AVL TYCON , kinematic and dynamic model are created for valve train of vehicle engine . Kinematic and dynamic calculations are carried out , and the features of intake and outtake valve train are got .

  7. 基于复合形法的车用发动机配气机构凸轮型线设计

    Cam Contour Design for Engine Valve Train Based on Complex Method

  8. 四冲程摩托车发动机配气机构的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Valve Cam Train for 4-stroke Motorcycle Engine

  9. 压缩空气动力发动机配气机构的研究

    A Study on the Valve Train System of Compressed Air Powered Engine

  10. 车用发动机配气机构运动学和动力学分析

    Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis on Valve Train of Vehicle Engine

  11. 碟形弹簧在发动机配气机构中的应用研究

    An Application Study of Diaphragm Spring in Engine Valve Mechanism

  12. 发动机配气机构动态特性测试和分析

    Test and Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics for Engine Valve Gear

  13. 发动机配气机构凸轮与摇臂的改进设计

    Optimization of Cam and Rocker Arm of Engine Valve Train

  14. 发动机配气机构刚柔耦合动力学特性研究

    A Research on Rigid-flexible Coupling Dynamics of Engine Valve-train

  15. 本文介绍了国内外发动机配气机构的发展情况。

    Developments of the valve trains of domestic and foreign engines are introduced .

  16. 发动机配气机构噪声试验研究

    Experiments and Researches of Engine Valve Train Noise

  17. 高速发动机配气机构的运动学分析

    Kinematic Analysis of Cam-valve Mechanism in High-speed Engine

  18. 发动机配气机构动力学计算与试验的结合研究

    The Research of Combination of Dynamic Calculation and Test for the Valve Train of Engine

  19. 以发动机配气机构中某零部件为例,介绍了新的设计流程的应用过程。

    Moreover , making an example of a certain part in valve mechanism , an application of the new solution ha .

  20. 摇臂钻床主轴箱体气孔产生原因及消除措施发动机配气机构凸轮与摇臂的改进设计

    Reason Causing Blowhole in Headstock Housing of Radial Drilling Machine and its Prevention Optimization of Cam and Rocker Arm of Engine Valve Train

  21. 本文根据发动机配气机构的约束条件和优化目标,对碟形弹簧的结构参数进行了优化设计。

    On the base of optimum targets and restrain conditions of engine valve mechanism , this paper optimizes and designs parameters of diaphragm , spring .

  22. 曲轴-凸轮轴是汽车发动机配气机构中重要的零件,其结构设计与加工质量好坏直接影响发动机的性能。

    Crankshaft and camshaft are vital parts of the value train in automotive engines of which structure design and machining quality affect the performance of engines directly .

  23. 汽车发动机配气机构中的摇臂与气门杆构成往复运动的摩擦副,服役条件复杂而恶劣。

    In a gas outfit of an automobile , the rocker arm insert and the valve rod form frictional mates that move back and forth , so their working conditions are complicated and bad .

  24. 气门是发动机配气机构的主要组成部件,它也是确保发动机获得良好的经济性能、动力性能、可靠性以及耐久性的重要零件。

    Valve as a main element of vavle train mechanism of engine , it plays an important part to make sure that the engine can acquire enough economic performance , power performance , reliability and durability of an engine .

  25. 为了探索实现发动机配气机构设计、计算、仿真、分析的自动化方法,本文引入了虚拟设计技术,对发动机配气机构的虚拟设计系统进行了开发。

    In order to realize the automation of designing , calculating , simulation and analyzing of valve train system , the virtual design technology is adopted , and a virtual design system of the valve train system has been investigated .

  26. 通过实例分析计算表明,非对称凸轮有许多特点,特别适合高速发动机配气机构。

    After calculation and analysis from the results of some practical example , it is denoted , that the unsymmetric cam profile provided many outstanding features and is suitable to be used in the valve mechanism of high speed engine .

  27. 摩托车CG系列发动机配气凸轮机构的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on Valve Cam Mechanism in CG Series Motorcycle Engine

  28. 气缸盖是发动机的配气机构和燃油供给系统的重要组成部分。

    The cylinder head is an important component of the engine valve train and fuel supply system .

  29. 将汽车发动机配气凸轮机构简化为单自由度质量&弹簧振动系统动力学模型,用有限差分法求解其运动微分方程,并得出气门运动线图。

    The valve cam mechanism of automotive engine is reduced the dynamic model of simple freedom mass spring vibration system in this paper . The kinematic differential equation is solved with finite difference method , and the kinematic curves of the valve are obtained .

  30. 新型四冲程发动机液压可变配气机构的动态仿真与分析

    Dynamic Simulation on a Novel Electro-Hydraulic Variable Valve Train for Four-Stroke Engines