
fā zì fèi fǔ
  • from the depth of one's heart
发自肺腑[fā zì fèi fǔ]
  1. 我很开心,而且是那种发自肺腑的开心。

    I 'm happy , and I mean that from the bottom of my heart

  2. 所以,MTV团队,我再一次对你们在我新唱片背后所付出的热忱与精力表示感谢,发自肺腑的不胜感激,真的我要再说一次感谢!但,(关于提名)还是别了,别了……感谢!

    So once again , to the people at MTV , I appreciate the zeal and energy that was put behind my last record , I truly do and say thank you and again I say thank you but no. .. no thank you .

  3. 所以,MTV团队,我再一次对你们在我新唱片背后所付出的热忱与精力表示感谢,发自肺腑的不胜感激,真的我要再说一次感谢!但,(关于提名)还是别了,别了……感谢!尼克·凯夫敬上

    So once again , to the people at MTV , I appreciate the zeal and energy that was put behind my last record , I truly do and say thank you and again I say thank you but no. .. no thank you . Yours sincerely , Nick Cave

  4. 当我说道德上的勇气的时候,我发自肺腑地想要强调它。

    And I mean it when I say moral courage .

  5. 这些发自肺腑的痛苦如此难熬。

    The pain in my gut gets so unbearable .

  6. 内在化是一种多功能的介于发自肺腑的和视觉化之间的感觉。

    Visceralization is a portmanteau between visceral and visualization .

  7. 我重复着这些话,尽力让它们听起来发自肺腑。

    I repeated the words . I tried to make them sound genuine .

  8. 不妨说,他对孩子们的那份爱是发自肺腑的。

    His dominating passion is his love for children .

  9. 用发自肺腑的最后一口气。

    With the last breath of my soul .

  10. 用发自肺腑的最后一口气,我将祝福你。

    With the last breath of my soul . I 'll be blessing you .

  11. 那篇文章是发自肺腑的,也出于我毕生对体育的反感。

    The piece was written from the heart and from a life-long aversion to sport .

  12. 他爱笑,但很快就会归于高深莫测与发自肺腑的理念。

    He laughs easily , before switching back to ideas that are complex and deeply felt .

  13. 我发自肺腑的没贯彻我的胃,要不是还有其他的,我直接就打包了。

    My heartfelt did not follow my stomach , but for other , I packed directly .

  14. 它也能摧毁你的意志与信念,让你发自肺腑的沮丧与哀伤。

    It can also destroy your will and belief , and make you sad and upset from the heart .

  15. 这些话不是常规的客套话,而是发自肺腑的心声。

    These words were not something routine just for polite purpose , but were from the bottom of our hearts .

  16. 这样东西一定要发自肺腑,但是还要十分”普通“。

    Make sure you identify something that 's really coming from your core , but make it something fairly modest .

  17. 教会他们走路的时候吹口哨,让他们发自肺腑地把自己的教授称作船长!

    By teaching them to whistle while they walk , to address their professor with a hale - and-hearty ' 'O Captain !

  18. 思嘉发自肺腑地喊了一声。威尔一听,又转过头来看了她一眼。

    Cried Scarlett from the bottom of her heart and , at the cry , will gave her the same look as before .

  19. 最后,要发自肺腑的感谢我亲爱的老爸老妈,他们总是给我很多的支持和鼓励,关键时刻给予我帮助,帮我渡过难关。

    Finally , I am so appreciated to thanks for my great mum and dad , who help me overcome lots of difficulties .

  20. 发自肺腑的对学生们和我的老同事们的感激之心使我毫不紧张,毫不拘束;

    But the gratitude from the bottom of my heart to the students and my old colleagues , has gone beyond my control .

  21. 他们着装整齐,通过歌声把他们发自肺腑的祝愿送给了在地震中失去父母的小朋友们。

    Dressed in neat uniforms , they sang and sent their heartfelt blessings to the children who have lost their mothers and fathers in the earthquake .

  22. 我们将致力于通过新的途径来倾听各种声音-——倾听默默受苦之声,倾听无言的诉说,倾听发自肺腑的声音,

    We will strive to listen in new ways -- to the voices of quiet anguish , the voices that speak without words , the voices of the heart

  23. 下次看到她,称赞她的脸,深深注视着她的眼睛,然后发自肺腑赞叹一下她的美丽吧。

    When you see her next , admire her face , look deep into her eyes and say with all your heart how beautiful you think she is .

  24. 参议员克林顿:我能感觉到,我们的话都是发自肺腑的,你们的回应让我感到很满足,现在,让我们一起使美国复苏,就像新罕布什尔使我复苏一样。

    SENATOR CLINTON : I felt like we all spoke from our hearts and I am so gratified that you responded . Now , together let us give America the kind of comeback the New Hampshire has just given me .

  25. 其次,他的政治抒情诗有配合政策的应景之作,有发自肺腑的抒发与当时政策相吻合的战歌颂歌,也有个人所思所感与主流政策相矛盾的迷茫之作。

    Second , his political lyrics with an occasional line with policy making , are from the heart of the express policy was consistent with the praise songs of war , but also individual thought and felt in the mainstream of the confusion of contradictory policies for .