
  1. 丰田锐志2.5发动机怠速不稳故障分析与排除

    Troubleshooting of Unstable Idling on TOYOTA REIZ 2.5

  2. 桑塔纳汽车发动机怠速不稳的检修实例。

    Finally introduced the Sangtana motor car engine idling regime not steady overhaul example .

  3. 然后分析了汽车发动机怠速不稳的几种常见故障诊断与排除方法;

    Then has analyzed the motor car engine idling regime not steady several kind of common failure diagnosis and the elimination method ;

  4. 就外界温度而言,燃油的挥发性过高,或蒸汽管路中的节流器有故障,也会使发动机的怠速不稳。

    A fuel too volatile for the outside temperature , or a missing restrictor in the vapor line , will also cause improper engine idling .

  5. PCV阀在过渡状况被粘住时,发动机会出现怠速不稳和频繁息火的故障。

    When the PCY valve sticks in the intermediate position , the engine idles rough and stalls frequently .

  6. 该发动机常见的故障症状为发动机起动困难、怠速不稳、喘振、断火或缺火、回火、爆震、功率不足及燃油经济性不良等。

    Troubles to be seen usually in BUICK car engine are : difficult start to engine , unstable idle speed , surging engine , off-ignition or lack of ignition , back fire , detonation , unefficiency of power and inferior fuel economy , etc.