
  • 网络Reticulum cell sarcoma;ARS;primary reticulum-cell sarcoma of bone;rcs
  1. 原发性骨网状细胞肉瘤的2例报告

    Primary Reticulum Cell Sarcoma of Bone ; A Report of 2 Cases

  2. 方法对12例经病理证实的骨原发性网状细胞肉瘤的X线特点进行回顾性分析。

    Methods By retrospective analysis x-ray character on 12 cases primary reticulum cell sarcoma on pathology verification test .

  3. 人参皂甙对小鼠腹水型网状细胞肉瘤ARS细胞分化与生长的影响

    Effect of ginsenosides on differentiation of mouse ascites reticulocyte sarcoma ARS cells

  4. 目的:探讨指突状网状细胞肉瘤(IDCS)的临床病理特点。

    Objective : To study the clinicopathological characters of interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma ( IDCS ) .

  5. 小鼠ARS腹水型网状细胞肉瘤瘤株加1.5、2.0、2.5%DMSO体外培养,被诱导出现了巨噬细胞样分化。

    Murine ARS reticulum sarcoma cells , when incubated with 1.5 , 2.0 and 2.5 % DMSO in vitro , were induced to differentiate into macrophage like cells .

  6. 目的探讨原发性骨网状细胞肉瘤的临床及X线表现,以期提高对本病的诊断和鉴别诊断水平。

    Objective To study the clinical and X-ray findings of primary reticulocytic sarcoma of bone in order to improve its diagnosis and differential diagnosis .

  7. 方法结合临床表现、手术及病理所见回顾性分析经病理证实的11例原发性骨网状细胞肉瘤的X线特点。

    Methods X-ray representations of primary reticulocytic sarcoma of bone in 11 cases proved by operations and pathologies in combination with clinical manifestations were analyzed .