
  1. 从企业营销、制造、居民消费与投资的微观层面看,通过建立大型的网络虚拟市场,彻底改变传统企业和居民的交易行为方式。

    From the Micro-economy to analyses the marketing , manufacturing , consumption and investment , the network will thoroughly change the transaction behaviors of the traditional enterprises and residents .

  2. 面临网络虚拟市场,消费者需要更为可靠的信息来降低交易风险,酒店企业采取的关系营销策略满足了买方的需求也实现了自身目标。

    Facing with internet market , consumers need more reliable information to reduce transaction risk , and hotel enterprises take relationship marketing strategies to meet the buyers ' demand to achieve their own goals .

  3. 若不及时禁止这些活动,人们会对网络上的虚拟市场缺乏安全感,从而将妨碍我国企业的电子商务活动。

    If you do not prohibit these activities in time , over the network of virtual lack of security market , which will impede our enterprise e-commerce activities .

  4. 网络营销作为适应网络经济时代的网络虚拟市场的新营销理论,是市场营销理论在新时期的发展和应用。

    Network marketing as a new marketing theory that adapts to dummy market of network economy age is development and application of marketing theory in new period .

  5. 网络营销不等同于传统营销,它是伴随着网络虚拟市场而诞生的新营销理论,具有很强的实践性和创新性。

    Web marketing , emerged concomitantly with fictitious web market as a new marketing theoretics , bear stronger practice and originality .