
  • 网络Webcasting;webcast;netcasting;podcast
  1. 在决定对网播问题采取双轨做法之后,将对这一问题进行分析和磋商。

    Following the decision to have a2-track approach on webcasting , analysis and consultations on the issue will be undertaken .

  2. 网播产业作为新媒体产业的代表之一,在世界范围内迅速发展。

    As one of the representatives of the new media industry , webcasting industry is developing rapidly in the worldwide .

  3. 寡姐起诉迪士尼:《黑寡妇》网播违反合约

    Scarlett Johansson sues Disney over ' Black Widow " streaming release

  4. 新浪微博话题“网播熊猫交配”获得了340万的点击量,这对熊猫的耐力获得了众人赞扬。

    The hashtag " webcasting pandas mating " garnered 3.4 million clicks on Sina Weibo , with many applauding the couple 's stamina .

  5. 虽然网播是一种新的广播方式,但我们不能轻易地将其纳入广播组织权保护范围。

    Although webcasting is a new way of broadcasting , we cannot hastily draw it into the scope of the protection of the rights of broadcasting organization .

  6. 以网播相关问题为例,就目前条件而言,是否对网播行为和网播组织予以保护,各国莫衷一是。

    Take the relevant issues of network broadcasting as an example , different countries provide different ideas on the necessity of protecting webcasting behavior and webcasting organizations .

  7. 在版权领域,在所谓的网播的概念和处理问题上,将进行非正式的初步意见和经验交流。

    In the copyright field , informal and preliminary exchange of views and experiences are to be undertaken in what refers to the notion and treatment of webcasting .

  8. 它们建议,对同时广播领域的保护形式进行的审查,应与网播保护的一般性问题进行的审议一同进行。

    It is suggested that the form of protection in the area of simulcasting should be examined in conjunction with the consideration of the general question of protection of webcasting .

  9. 在现阶段,英特网是信息大量传播的一个有效途径,如果我们过早地保护网播行为或网播组织,将有可能损害到信息技术的发展和公众的利益。

    At this stage , Internet is an effective way of information dissemination . If we protect webcasting behavior and webcasting organizations prematurely , we will bring damages to the development of information technology and public interests .