
  • 网络Online office system;IOA
  1. 基于Web服务器群的社保网上办公系统的软件结构

    Software Structure of Web Server Clot in Social Insurance Net Office System

  2. 基于UML的林业行政许可网上办公系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Forestry Administrative Permission Network Office System Based on UML

  3. NET数据库访问等Web数据库应用系统先进技术,实现了一个网上办公系统的信息检索、录入、修改、统计、表格和会议通知、记录等功能。

    NET , the system realized these functions such as information query , input , modification , statistics , table document , informing and recording of the conference .

  4. 基于数据加密技术网上办公系统的研究

    Study on Online Office Systems Based on Data Encryption Technology

  5. 网上办公系统的安全防范技术

    A Technology of Safety Precaution for Office Automation System

  6. 因此,国内外许多政府部门、公司企业以及各种研究机构都致力于开发网上办公系统。

    Now , more and more governments , Companies , and research institutes are committed to developing the system of online office .

  7. 网上办公系统距离系统初期建设时间较长,技术水平落后,已经无法继续更新升级。

    Office online system distance system construction of the early time is long , the technical level backward , and has not continue to upgrade .

  8. 最后对这套网上办公系统的源文件的注册加密技术展开讨论,从而实现对文件的底层保护,避免程序文件被破解而产生的整个办公系统的安全问题。

    Lastly , the registration encryption technique of the on-line office system source files is discussed . Bottom level protection to the source files is realized .

  9. 因此,根据国家税务部门实际公文管理的操作模式,开发出一套网上办公系统,从而实现整个国税局办公的自动化和无纸化变得尤为迫切。

    Therefore , it is very urgent to develop a set of online office system according to the operating pattern of document management for City Level State Tax Bureau .

  10. 将其应用于高校网上办公系统中,可以提供身份认证服务、权限控制服务、信息保密服务、数据完整性服务和不可否认服务等安全服务。

    The application of digital signature technique to network-based office system can provide identity verification service , authorization level control , information secrecy safeguard , data integrity check and denial-defense .

  11. 最后,从客户端数据流量方面对网上办公系统和用户管理系统进行性能测试和对比分析,结果表明网上办公系统性能更优。

    Finally , online office system and user management system are tested and compared by client data flow . Test results show that the performance of online office system is better .

  12. 网上办公系统是一个网络化、公开化、标准化的工作平台,作为电子政务的一部分其安全性问题显得极其重要。

    On-line official business system is a work environment with network , publication , standardization . As a part of the governmental affair , Its safety problem becomes important day by day .

  13. 由于目前的网络环境对于信息没有进行有效的保护,而对于网上办公系统来说,信息的安全性是非常重要的,所以需要在架构应用系统时,特别考虑系统的安全性。

    Because the network environment is unsafe for the information on it , while the security of information on the e-office is very important , the security of system should be considered in particular .

  14. 论文介绍了与电子政务网上办公系统安全问题相关的基本理论和安全技术,包括加密、认证、完整性鉴别、防抵赖性和访问控制等。

    This dissertation introduces the basic theories and technology related to the safety of office system on electronic business of government administration , such as secrecy certification , completeness checking , anti-attack and access control .

  15. 基于LotusDomino网上行政办公系统短信子系统设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Short Message Subsystem in Online Administrative Office System Based on Lotus Domino

  16. 在系统安全性方面,讨论了数字证书的密钥安全管理。本文重点是基于PKI技术设计与实现MTHSCA认证系统,通过其数字证书服务,保证网上办公自动化系统的信息安全。

    Meanwhile , the article discusses the actual functions of digital certificate in office automatic system on web , and the key management security of the digital certificate .

  17. 基于SQL-SERVER的网上办公自动化系统的安全性设计

    Security design for OA system based on sql-server

  18. 近20年来,网上财务办公系统的应用得到了迅速发展,尤其是近几年来Internet/Intranet技术的飞速发展,为企业建立MIS系统提供了良好的支持环境。

    Over the past 20 years , on-line application of the financial office system has been developed rapidly , especially in recent years , the development of the Internet / Intranet technology has provided a good support environment for the enterprises to establish MIS system .

  19. 作为数字化办公的一部分,网上办公管理系统正在由功能型向安全高效型转变。

    As part of the network management system , digital office is changing from a functional model safely and efficiently .

  20. 在简单介绍工作流管理系统一般概念的基础上,重点介绍了基于工作流技术实现的网上协同办公系统的体系结构、系统主要组成部分、各部门的实现方法以及需要注意的事项。

    On the basis of introducing the basic idea of workflow system , this paper discusses the architecture , components , implementation methods and other key issues of cooperative OA system based on workflow .

  21. 本文针对高校院系级信息网络化管理的需要,构建了一个基于Web的高校院系级网上办公综合管理信息系统。

    We present a web-based synthetic MIS for campus departmental office automation .

  22. 设计和实现了基于Web的高校院系级网上办公综合管理信息系统。

    The contributions of this thesis are as follows : 1 . We designed and developed the web-based synthesis MIS for campus departmental office automation .