
  • reinvigorating China through human resource development
  1. 职业教育发展是深入实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略的要求,是坚持教育优先发展的重要组成部分。

    The development of vocational education is the requirement to implement the strategy of national rejuvenation through science and education and the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development .

  2. 深入实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略,加快建设创新型国家国策的落实,需要通过教育来实施。

    " Implement the strategy of developing the country through Science and the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development , speed up constructing innovative country " will be implemented which carries out by educating .

  3. MBA教育是实施人才强国战略的重要措施,肩负着为中国21世纪的发展培养高素质经营管理人才的历史重任。

    MBA , which shoulders the historical responsibility of cultivating people with high quality in the management area , is a vital measure to implement the strategy of strengthening China through human resource development .

  4. 新时期人才强国战略研究

    Research of Talents Strategy for Powerful Nation in the New Period

  5. 落实科学发展观必须与人才强国战略结合起来。

    The implementation of the view must be combined with the strategy .

  6. 第四部分:中国人才强国战略。

    The forth part is : implementing human resource strategy of China .

  7. 人才强国战略若干问题研究

    The Research of the Strategy of Revitalizing China Through Talents

  8. 论高校在实施人才强国战略中的地位和作用

    On the Role of Colleges and Universities in Carrying out the Talents Strategy

  9. 人才强国,关键在于培养和使用好人才

    Training and Utilizing the Talent well is the key for the Powerful Nation

  10. 坚持以人为本,要把人才强国战略作为我国发展的根本性战略;

    The strategies of enriching the state by talents is essential to development ;

  11. 人才强国战略刍议

    About the Strategy of Strengthening Country on Talent

  12. 人才强国战略与公共部门效率提升

    The Efficency of Public Sectors and the Strategy of Strenthening the Nation with Talent

  13. 基于人才强国战略的我国大学生就业能力开发策略研究

    A Research on the Development Strategies of Graduate Employability and the Cultivation of Talents

  14. 对此,我国推行了人才强国的国家战略。

    In this regard , reinvigorating China with talented people is launched as national strategy .

  15. 人才强国是西部高等教育发展的战略支点。

    The talent powerful country is the strategy point of higher education development in West .

  16. 人才强国战略的提出为高校的发展提供了广阔的前景。

    The talents strategy presents a bright prospect for the development of colleges and universities .

  17. 只有重视并认真研究解决这些问题,才能保证人才强国战略的有效实施。

    Only when these problems are seriously studied , can the Stratagem be carried out efficiently .

  18. 人才强国战略与全面提高高校教师素质

    The Strategy of Building Powerful Nation of Talents and Enhancing Higher Institutions Teachers ' Comprehensive Ability

  19. 人才强国战略&新世纪民族复兴的重大抉择

    Talents Strategy for Powerful Nation & a Great Choice for National Rejuvenation in the New Century

  20. 理解好这一强国方略,应当重视资源整合,克服在自主创新方面的单一化、自发式、弱质态、低投入问题,这需要把自主创新与科教兴国、人才强国战略有机联系起来。

    So we should think much of resource conformity and get over the singleness in independence innovation .

  21. 人才强国战略与教育的战略抉择

    The Strategy of Making the Country Strong with Talents and the Choice of the Strategy for Education

  22. 落实科学发展观与实施人才强国战略之关系

    The Relationship between Carrying Out Scientific Development View and Enforcing the Strategy of Talents Strengthening the Country

  23. 实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略,加强文化建设

    Implementing the strategy of reinvigorating China through science , education and human resources and promoting cultural progress

  24. 在这一背景下,我国得出了人力资源是第一资源的结论,提出了人才强国的战略方针。

    Under the background , China proposes the strategic policy " Human resources are the primary resources " .

  25. 全面实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略

    Fully implementing the strategies of reinvigorating China through science and education and strengthening the nation through human resource development

  26. 科技兴国、人才强国战略的实施离不开新型高层次人才。

    Putting the strategy of developing country into effect rely on S & T and high-grade talents of new type .

  27. 实施国家科教兴国和人才强国战略,教师发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    Implementation of the national " technology and education " and " Talent " strategy , teachers play a pivotal role .

  28. 随着科教兴国战略和人才强国战略的实施,高校学科建设的重要性日益明显。

    Along with the implementation of scientific-education prospering and talent powerful nation strategy , the importance of university discipline construction become increasingly obvious .

  29. 在实施人才强国战略的新形势下,人才引进工作在高校实施人才强校战略中具有十分的重要作用。

    Under the new circumstance of strategies of qualified talents , talents recruiting plays an very important role in the development of universities .

  30. 近十年,国家多次出台重大举措推进人才强国战略。

    For nearly ten years , the great measures have been published by the nation to promote the strategy of human talents strengthening the country .