
  1. 浅议企业档案工作标准化

    Talking about the Standardization of Enterprises ' Archive Work

  2. 实现化工地质档案工作标准化和档案管理现代化,维护其完整、准确、系统、安全并有效利用,提高科研项目档案材料的内在质量是摆在我们面前最现实、最重要、最紧迫的任务。

    Standardizing file works and modernizing file management to make scientific and technologic files complete , accurate , systematic and safe and efficiently use them is the most realistic , important and pressing task facing us .

  3. 高校档案收集工作标准化的价值和方法

    Standardization of the Job for Collecting the College Archives

  4. 对地震科技档案管理工作标准化和规范化的认识

    Thoughts on both cataloguing of seismological scientific & technological files and the standardization and normalization of archives

  5. 实现这一目标的首要任务就是实现档案管理的现代化建设。档案工作标准化作为档案管理现代化建设中最活跃、最积极的要素,在全球信息化的今天,一跃成为档案事业发展的重要制衡力量。

    Standardization is the most dynamic and positive factor to realize modernization of archives management in information age , and it has become an important criterion for the archives development .

  6. 国际组织及发达国家在档案信息化进程中十分重视档案工作的标准化建设,并取得了显著的成果。

    International organizations and developed countries attach much importance to standardization in the archives standardization , and have made remarkable achievement .

  7. 基础档案工作直接影响到现代化的管理水平,基础档案工作应从标准化、规范化的工作程序和方法、加快数据准备等方面入手,推进档案现代化管理进程。

    The basic archives work affects the modern management directly , so the modern management of archives should be promoted by processing and methodizing the standardization and the modernization of archives management and by speeding the data preparation .

  8. 在实现档案信息化建设的过程中,应实现档案工作现代化、档案工作标准化、档案工作开放化、档案工作服务化。

    During archives information building , should realize the modernization , standardization , open and service of archives work .

  9. 档案达标检查在档案管理工作中起着重要的作用,是促进档案工作规范化、标准化的有效手段,尤其对专业性很强的地震档案工作起着重要的指导作用。

    The function of file check is very important in the archives management , it can improve the file management work standardization , and guide us to do the seismic archives work better .