
  1. 档案文献编纂对档案信息传播的效能

    The Effects of Archives and Documents compilation on Archives Information Dissemination

  2. 论档案文献编纂工作与可持续发展战略思想

    On the archive literature compilation and the strategic thinking of the sustained development

  3. 也谈档案文献编纂与档案信息资源开发利用

    On the Compilation of Archival Materials and the Exploitation of Archival Information Resources

  4. 从档案文献编纂的窘境说开

    Talking From Predicament of Compiling Archival Documents

  5. 走向共享:中国的档案文献编纂

    Common Sharing : China 's Archival Compilation

  6. 从史馆制度看唐代档案文献编纂

    Archival Documents Compilation of The Tang Dynasty From The Point of View of Historiographers ' Office System

  7. 我国古代档案文献编纂工作兴盛的社会文化渊源

    Social and Cultural Origins of Flourishing of Archival Document Compiling Work in Our Country 's Ancient Time

  8. 档案文献编纂学与传播学虽是近代以来才形成的学科,但它们之间既有区别又有联系的。

    Compilation and dissemination of archival science in modern times , although only the formation of the subject , but they are different but linked between .

  9. 档案文献编纂学以人与档案信息的关系为其全部研究的基点,属于社会科学范畴。

    The Archives Compilation which belongs to the social sciences category is the basic point by the human and the file information relations which studies completely for it .

  10. 凭借档案文献编纂传播,历史得以重视、传统得以延续、知识文化得到继承,人类社会不断得到发展、进步。

    Because of the transmission of archival documents compilation , we can access history , tradition and knowledge can carry on and human society can keep on developing .

  11. 第二部分:在研究档案文献编纂学概念体系的基础上,对档案文献编纂学形成的过程&抽象上升到具体的过程进行分析和探讨。

    Part ⅱ: In the foundation of the concept system research , the author analyses and investigates over the process of the Archives Compilation forming from abstract to concrete .

  12. 它以整个档案文献编纂活动的客观规律为研究对象,以指导档案文献编纂工作生产出高质量的档案文献信息产品服务于社会,作为研究的根本任务和目的。

    The basic duty and the goal of this research are : to study the objective laws of the entire activities of the archives compile ; to instruct the archives to compile the work to produce the high grade archives information product for the society .

  13. 关于从辩证逻辑视角研究档案文献编纂学的发展规律,目前尚为空白,笔者就管见所及做初步探讨,以求对档案文献编纂学的发展有些许贡献。

    The law of the Archives Compilation development from the dialectical logical angle of view research at present was still the blank . The author do the research which is based on the knowledge and understanding in order to have the trifle contribution to the Archives Compilation development .

  14. 本文在充分占有资料的基础上,吸收和借鉴前人研究成果,从档案文献编纂学的角度对《清实录》的编纂理论与实践进行全面系统研究。

    This thesis is on the basis of possessing materials adequately , by absorbing and learning from former scholars ' research achievements , it researches the theory and practice of compilation of Memoir of Qing Dynasty comprehensively and systematically from the perspective of subject of compilation of archives and literature .

  15. 文章第四部分介绍了我国社会记忆构建的现状,具体分析了档案在档案文献编纂、城市记忆工程和非物质文化遗产保护中的作用,并对国内社会记忆构建存在的问题进行探索。

    The fourth part introduce social memory in our country , and make some analysis of the archival documents compilation of the files , " city construction " memory and Immaterial and cultural heritage protection for domestic social memory of a problem to explore .

  16. 中国传统的档案学,通过古代朴素的档案文献编纂理论得以体现。

    The archives science of China has been connoted in the compilation of archives literature .

  17. 相信有关档案及档案工作的研究将会越来越多的借鉴与吸收传播学的理论研究成果。而有关档案文献编纂学与传播学这两门学科的具体关系,暂还没有引起学术界的充分关注。

    Believe that the research files and archives will learn more and more communication with the absorption of the theoretical research result compilation and the relevant archival and communication between these two specific subjects , tentatively has not attracted sufficient attention to academics .