
  1. 论文件与档案关系的界定

    On the Relation Between Documents and Archives

  2. 教学评估与高校档案建设关系之分析

    Analysis on Relation of Teaching Appraisement and Colleges ' Archives

  3. 浅议地方史研究与档案的关系

    File Management of the Local History Study

  4. 文件管理和档案管理关系密切,通过实施文件档案一体化管理,可以减少重复性劳动,提高工作效率。

    Records management and archives management are closely connected to each other . Systemizing records and archives can decrease repetitive work and enhance work efficiency .

  5. 重点建设工程项目的档案,关系到项目的安全运行、维护和抵御自然灾害等。

    The management of the record of important project is related to the safe operation , maintenance and resistance to natural disaster of project and so on .

  6. 文章的第六部分是结论,对社会记忆构建与档案的关系进行总结,提出社会记忆构建和社会和谐的统一,阐明利用档案构建社会记忆的最终目标。

    The sixth part is the conclusion that summarized the relationship between the archives and the social memory . Propose the unity of a harmonious society and the social memory , and clarifying the Purpose of building social memory .

  7. 第一部分:引入信用体系和信用制度的概念,论述了信用体系、信用制度与信用档案的关系;介绍信用档案的具体内容;

    The article is divided into three parts : The first part : It discusses the relations of the credit system and institution and the credit archive by the concepts of the credit system and institution , introducing the concrete contents of the credit archive .

  8. 这和你与x档案都没有关系。

    Nothing to do with you or the x-files .

  9. 试论中国传统文化与古代档案编纂的关系

    The Relationship Between Chinese Traditional Culture and Antiquity Editorship of Archives

  10. 高等教育评估与学校档案建设的关系是一种辨证关系。

    The relationship between evaluation and school file construction is dialectical .

  11. 文章简述办公自动化与档案管理的关系及发展趋势。

    Article summary office automation and records management relations and trend of development .

  12. 科技档案与资产关系具有复杂的特殊性,它是资产的重要组成部分。

    As an important form of asset , technological archives are uniquely related to technological assets .

  13. 论述知识管理与作为企业记忆重要组成部分的文件档案之间的关系。

    Mainly discusses the relationship between knowledge management and records and archives , which are the important parts of the enterprise memory .

  14. 探讨了知识仓库与企业档案室的关系,认为企业档案室应当向企业知识仓库的方向发展。

    Author investigates the relations between the storage of knowledge and business archives , and believes that business archives can be enterprise knowledge warehouse storage .

  15. 该文着重探讨了建立社会主义市场经济与档案工作的关系,以及档案工作如何找准切合点,为社会主义市场经济服务。

    This article mainly explores the relations between the foundation of the socialism market economy and archival work , and archival work how to find the key point to serve the socialism market economy .

  16. 本文主要从中国传统文化与古代档案编纂的关系上,论述了中国传统文化对古代档案编纂发展的促进作用,以及档案编纂对于维系中国传统文化一脉相承所发挥的主要功能。

    On the relationship between Chinese traditional culture and antiquity editorship of archives , this article mainly shows that Chinese traditional culture for antiquity editorship of archives provide a good chance to development , and antiquity editorship of archives for maintenance Chinese traditional culture and exert main function .

  17. 高校档案工作与公共关系

    On Public Relations and Archive Arrangement in Colleges Match Arrangement

  18. 试析高校文秘工作与档案管理工作的关系

    Analysis on the relationship between Secretary duty and achieves management in Universities

  19. 学校档案与校园文化关系初探

    On the Relationship of School Archives and Campus Culture

  20. 深入研究了各社会保险业务环节的经办规律和特点,及其和社会保险业务档案管理工作的关系和影响。

    In-depth study of various aspects of the social insurance law and the handling characteristics , and their social insurance records management and the relationship between work and influence .

  21. 如何正确处理电子档案与纸质档案的关系

    On How to Deal with the Relationship between the Electronic File and Traditional Paper File Administration

  22. 浅谈档案行政执法和档案普法的关系地方各级文化行政管理部门,应分别建立本行政区域内的馆藏文物档案;

    Local departments for cultural administration at various levels shall compile files for the cultural relics in the collection of cultural institutions in their respective administrative areas ;

  23. 文章对高校数字档案馆的组成和传统档案馆的关系、建设数字档案馆对档案人员的素质要求及建设高校数字档案馆存在的问题等方面作了阐述。

    Forming of it , relation of it with the traditional one , requirements for the file clerk and problems existing in building the digitized archive establishment are expounded .

  24. 本文拟以实验的方法来研究档案库房温湿度与纸质档案耐久性的关系。

    The dissertation aims at studying the relativity between the temperature and humidity of archive storehouse and durability of paper archives by experimentation .

  25. 档案文献编纂学以人与档案信息的关系为其全部研究的基点,属于社会科学范畴。

    The Archives Compilation which belongs to the social sciences category is the basic point by the human and the file information relations which studies completely for it .

  26. 文件与档案非同一事物,应辩证统一看待文件与档案关系。

    This paper explains in detail that files and archives are not the same things and we should treat them correctly .

  27. 针对这种情况,迫切需要利用数据挖掘技术将档案与利用者之间、档案与各种实践活动之间以及档案之间的关系揭示出来,从而在更深层次上发挥这些档案数据的信息作用。

    In allusion to this instance , we must open out the relationship of the archive and user , the archive and all kinds of activities , between the archives by application data mining technology , which will exert the archive data information affection .

  28. 本文从项目风险管理对档案管理的需求角度出发,分析了项目风险管理各应用工具与档案管理的相关关系,并由此提出档案动态管理的模式和实时性要求等。

    Based on this , the paper analyzes the relationship between the applied instruments of project risk management and archives administration and accordingly , proposes the model of archives ' dynamic administration and its red-time requirements .

  29. 档案价值根源于档案客体,但取决于档案主体,产生于档案主体的实践&认识活动,档案主客体关系决定档案价值的质和量;

    The value of archives stems from archives object , while depends on archives subject and produces from the practice of archives subject & cognitive activity . The relationship between subject and object decides the qulity and quantity of archives value .

  30. 从档案潜在用户与档案潜在信息需求的概念入手,简单论述了档案潜在用户研究的必要性,长尾理论与档案潜在用户的关系。

    Starting from the concept of the potential users of the file and files of potential information needs , and briefly discusses the potential users of the necessity of studying file of potential users , potential users of the long tail theory and file .