
  1. 吕碧城是中国近现代一位杰出的女词人。

    Lu Bi-cheng was a famous female poet in the modern times of China .

  2. 近代社会性别关系的变动&以吕碧城与近代女子教育思想和实践为例

    The Change of Modern Social Gender System & An Illustration of LV Bi-cheng and Ideas and Activities of Modern Women Education

  3. 吕碧城受到儒、道、佛三家思想的影响.这使其词作折射出明显的宗教色彩。

    She is influenced by Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism , which is demonstrated in her poems and makes her poems full of religious thought .

  4. 吕碧城是近代著名的女词人,她受到近代妇女解放思潮的影响,以报纸为阵地,大力宣扬女子教育,并身体力行,兴办女学,成就斐然,成为近代女性独立的先驱。

    Lv Bi-cheng was a famous female poets of the modern times ci . Under the influence of the women emancipation , she advocated female education by newspaper actively , and run a female school .