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  • 网络lu yang;Ferdi
  1. 吕洋幸运地完成了最后一击。

    As luck would have it , Lu Yang had dealt the final blow .

  2. “跟你们老板说,不要尽干些挑拨离间的事情。”吕洋回答。

    " Tell your boss not to simply play people off against each other ," said Lu yang .

  3. 尽管一切都是虚拟的,吕洋却曾经坚信她找到了一条通向光荣与梦想的金光大道。

    Although everything is virtual , Lu Yang once believed that she could find a golden road to glory and dreams .

  4. 不过随着人民币的不断加速投入,和很多人一样,吕洋发现,金钱铸就的,其实是通往奴役之路。

    But like so many others , Lu Yang discovered that what was crafted from the endless inflow of RMB was actually a road to bondage .

  5. 站在一个仓促修建的观众台上的吕洋非常乐观,他说,“这是真的,电动车也很快,它是未来。”

    Standing on a hastily built viewing platform , Lu was optimistic , saying , " It 's real , it 's fast , and it 's the future . "

  6. 吕洋在提到政府官员时说,“他们说,‘哇,这东西真新。这是一次难得的机会。我们来干。’”

    Speaking of government officials , Lu said : " They said : ' Wow , this is really new . It 's a golden opportunity . Let 's do that . " "

  7. 的确,吕洋说,中国政府愿意为这个锦标赛做东,是因为政府想推广电动汽车,吕洋的车队在把电动方程式车赛带到北京上起了关键作用。

    Indeed , Lu , whose team played a crucial role in bringing the race to Beijing , said that the Chinese government was willing to host because it wanted to promote electric cars .