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  • 网络Ficus altissima;BoOm bOoM
  1. 高榕小蜂群落结构及物种多样性的初步研究

    Community structure and species diversity of fig wasps from Ficus altissima

  2. 应该是菩提、糖棕、贝叶棕,还有铁力木和高榕吧。

    They should be the banyan , the sugar palm , the talipot palm , the ironwood and the beecheyana trees .

  3. 一点拟灯蛾幼虫不取食高榕叶片因而没有高榕被昆虫取食挥发物释放量释放数据。

    Asota caricae refused to feed the leaves of F.altissima , thus no data for the volatile release for F.altissima under herbivores in this study .