
gāo chǎn
  • high yield;high production
高产 [gāo chǎn]
  • [high yield] 单位面积产量比平均产量高

高产[gāo chǎn]
  1. 提高磷(P)效率的途径之一是选择在P胁迫下能实现高产的新的基因型植物。

    One of the ways to increase phosphorous efficiency is to select new plant genotypes , which can achieve high yield in phosphorous stress condition .

  2. 结果表明:B处理构建了高产玉米冠层的微环境特性和冠层结构,改善了叶片光合特性。

    The results showed that micro-environmental characteristic of high yield maize canopy and canopy structure were instituted by treatment B , at the same time , photosynthesis characteristic of leaves were improved .

  3. 不管天气条件如何,这块地总是保持稳产高产。

    The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances .

  4. 高产的农民越多意味着有过剩的粮食供给城市。

    More productive farmers meant there was a surplus that could feed cities .

  5. 但在两个周一参加了编织小组的活动后,我就被吸引了,不仅被编织吸引,而且还被钩织吸引了,我快要成为一个非常高产的手艺人了。

    But within two Mondays in the group , I was hooked , not only on knitting but also on crocheting , and I was on my way to becoming a highly productive crafter .

  6. 2021年建设1亿亩旱涝保收、高产稳产高标准农田。

    The construction of 100 million mu of high-standard farmland with high and stable yields regardless of drought and flood will be complete this year .

  7. 导入高粱DNA选育高产抗逆春小麦新品系研究

    The Studies on Breeding a New High-yield Stress-resistance Wheat Line by Introducing Exotic DNA From Sorghum into Wheat

  8. 高产SOD植物细胞的离体评估模型

    A Model for Evaluating SOD Overproduction Plant Cells in vitro

  9. 高产SOD乳酸菌培养条件的研究

    Studies on culture conditions of the SOD high-producing strain

  10. 偏母型杂交水稻性状多似母本,如果母本性状优良,则F1有高产优势的趋势。

    If the maternal plant has a fine character , its F_1 would give high yields .

  11. 文章借助GIS手段,实证研究了上海市高新技术企业,深入探讨了具有高投入、高产出、高风险、产品生命周期短等特点的高新技术产业区位选择的特殊性。

    This paper takes Shanghai high-tech enterprises as a case and discussed the particularity of high-tech industry 's location choice by GIS .

  12. 采用催化剂裂解化学气相沉积的方法,用化学共沉淀法制备的Co催化剂,高产率的制备了多壁碳纳米管。

    Using the Co catalysts produced by chemical co-deposition , the carbon nanotubes were synthesized by the catalytic chemical vapor decomposition method .

  13. 应用营养缺陷型回复突变的方法筛选枯草杆菌(Bacillussubtilis)α-淀粉酶的高产菌株

    Selection of high α - amylase yeilding strains of Bacillus subtilis by auxotrophic reversion technique

  14. 烷化剂EMS诱发花生性状变异的效果及高产突变系的选育

    Effects of Peanut Character Variations Induced by EMS and Breeding of High Yielding Mutant Strains

  15. 环合反应温度为195°C,然后在此条件下保温5h是较好的工艺参数;能获得高产率的丁二酰亚胺。

    The cyclization reaction temperature was 195 ° C and this temperature was maintained for 5h , the yield of succinimide was good .

  16. 高产人参发根系的建立及发根中皂苷Rb1的分离纯化

    Selection of high-yield hairy root clone of ginseng and separation and purification of ginsenoside Rb_1 from ginseng hairy root

  17. 发现了最优化的合成工艺条件,实现了GaP纳米晶的高产率(达85%)制备,而且形貌和粒度可以根据需要进行调控。

    The optimized synthesis conditions of GaP nanocrystals were obtained . The GaP nanocrystals can be prepared at high yield of 85 % and the microstructure and particle size can be controlled .

  18. 合理施用有机肥、调节田间水分、配施矿质肥料以及培养根系活力较强的高产水稻品种是减少土壤源CH4排放量的主要措施。

    The measurements for reducing CH4 flux are to apply organic manure and matter , control field moisture , apply mineral fertilizer and evolve rice varieties with high yield .

  19. 随着嫁接番茄愈合完全及生长发育对K、Ca、Mg吸收增加,因此在生产上对结果期应适当增加肥料供应,以确保嫁接番茄高产。

    With the development of grafted tomatoes , absorbing capability of K , Ca , and Mg was increasing . Therefore , in order to promote the production of grafted tomatoes , more fertilizer should be provided during bearing fruit .

  20. 方法应用纸片扩散法检测超广谱β内酰胺酶(ESBLs)及持续高产1型诱导酶(AmpC),应用KB纸片法对124临床分离的多重耐药菌株进行药物敏感试验。

    METHODS Drug sensibility tests were performed by K-B method , extended-spectrum β - lactamases ( ESBLs ) and AmpC enzyme were detected with 124 multi-drug resistant strains .

  21. 相对电弧法与激光蒸发法,化学气相沉积法(CVD)是最有望实现大批量、低成本、高产率制备SWNTs的方法,因此已成为其制备方法研究领域的热点。

    Comparing to arc discharge and laser ablation , chemical vapor deposition ( CVD ) is the most possible method with large-scale , low-cost and high-yield advantage to fabricate SWNTs .

  22. 采用高稳系数(HSC)法,结合稳定性系数和适应性参数对1998年河南省玉米区试(套种组)15个品种进行高产稳产性综合评价。

    Using the high stability coefficient , the high yield stability of 15 middle maturity maize varieties in Henan regional test was synthetically evaluated according to stability parameters and adapt parameters .

  23. 酶解结束后,将纯化的原生质体悬浮液适当稀释,采用双层平板法涂布于上层琼脂浓度为0.8%的再生培养基R2上再生,筛选高产的突变菌株。

    Then the protoplasts solution were smeared to regenerative medium R2 , in which the concentration of superstratum agar is 0.8 % , incubated in double layer agar plate method .

  24. 高产、大分子透明质酸突变菌株NUF-036的选育

    Selection of Hyaluronic Acid Producing Mould Mutant Strain NUF-036

  25. 挖掘酿酒ADY的优点,为酿酒优质、高产、低消耗创出新途径&阅2001年论文评选的感想

    Full Exploitage of ADY Advantages to Create New Liquor-making Process of High Quality , High Yield and Low Consumption & Thought of Thesis Appraisal of Year 2001

  26. 结果表明:在20mol%的DBSA的催化作用下,吲哚与芳香醛、脂肪醛和脂环酮高产率得到相应的双吲哚衍生物。

    The results indicated that excellent yields of bis ( indol-3-yl ) methanes were obtained when indoles reacted with aldehydes and cyclo-ketones catalyzed by 20 mol % DBSA in water .

  27. 以磷酰氯为原料通过与手性仲胺的亲核取代反应高产率地合成了手性HMPA类似物。

    The chiral HMPA analogues 1 and 2 were prepared in high yield by nucleophilic substitution between the chiral secondary amine and phosphoryl chloride .

  28. 以6个大豆杂交组合的F2、F3、F4代为材料,以高产为目标,以系谱法在高、低肥下同时进行连续世代选择。

    The F 2 , F 3 and F 4 lines of six soybean crosses were selected , with the objective of high yield and by use of the method of pedigree and under high or low fertility site for three successive years .

  29. 滇中小麦高产田块的单产达10~12t/hm2,其产量结构为:公顷穗数525~690万,每穗粒数40~52粒,千粒重40~50g。

    The yield composition of the high yielding wheats from 10 to 12 tons per hectare in the Middle Yunnan Plateau is 5.25 6.90 million ears per hectare , 40 52 grains per ear and 40 50 grams per 1 000 grains .

  30. 结果表明,在适宜的叶面积指数范围内,延长灌浆期叶片的功能期,尤其是吐丝30d以后的绿叶面积时间,是高产的根本保证;

    The results indicated that to extend the duration of leaf function at filling period especially the time of green leaf area at the period following 30 day after silking was essential to ensure high yield while leaf area index was within reasonable range .