
  • 网络Pinot Noir;Pinot Nero;Pinot;Bourgogne Pinot Noir;Pinot Noire
  1. 2009年玛尔玛酒庄(MarimarEstate)产黑皮诺,26欧元雷司令

    and 2009 Marimar Estate Pinot Noir , EUR26

  2. 当品尝到红葡萄酒时,大家再次给予了肯定的评价,只有2010年的巍峨酒庄(WillaKenzieEstate)黑皮诺葡萄酒例外,大家觉得它有点平淡乏味。

    Positive commentary returned with the reds , save for the 2010 WillaKenzie Estate Pinot Noir Estate Cuv é e , which everyone found light and a bit innocuous .

  3. 这款SantaRitaHills的黑皮诺外柔内刚,酒精度为12.5%,低于大多数葡萄酒。

    This Santa Rita Hills pinot is a titanium fist in a velvet glove . Lower alcohol than most : 12.5 % .

  4. 我点了一瓶黑皮诺葡萄酒。

    I took the liberty of ordering a bottle of Pinot noir .

  5. 黑皮诺葡萄最早开始种植可能是从古代勃艮第。

    The pinot noir grapehas been cultivated perhaps since antiquity in Burgundy .

  6. 百分之百的黑皮诺红酒他们已经不生产这种了

    That 's 100 % pinot noir . Single vineyard . They don 't even make it anymore .

  7. 最上等的黑皮诺和莎当妮为这个和谐的结合带来了精细的品质。

    Pinot Noir and Chardonnay from the best grand-and premier crus bring vinosity and delicacy together in a very harmoniously balanced blend .

  8. 在这里,黑皮诺酿造出质地轻盈,带有覆盆子、樱桃、紫罗兰(有时还有野味)香气的红酒。

    Here , the variety produces texturally light red wines that have aromas of raspberry , cherry , violets and sometimes game .

  9. 昨晚的派对你走得真早,亏我还让吧台备足了黑皮诺葡萄酒

    You left the party pretty quick last night , even after I made sure the bar was stocked with pinot noir .

  10. 特别是黑皮诺,产自勃艮第的黑皮诺往往辛辣多过甜味。

    Especially when it comes to Pinot Noir , which , in its Burgundian incarnation , tends to be more savory than sweet .

  11. 黑皮诺葡萄娇嫩、早熟、皮薄、很难种植,它的天然家乡在法国的勃艮第地区。

    Delicate , early-ripening and , with thin skins , difficult to grow , Pinot Noir grapes find their natural home in France 's Burgundy region .

  12. 香槟包含夏敦埃酒,混合着黑皮诺和莫尼耶皮诺,这是两种包含着酚醛酸的黑葡萄,可以减少发炎,或许会保护脑细胞。

    Champagne contains chardonnay mixed with pinot noir and pinot meunier , two black grapes that contain phenolic acids , which are thought to reduce inflammation and may protect brain cells .

  13. 问题部分和他在RN74长期推介特定类型的葡萄酒有关:他拒绝储存酒精度超过14%的黑皮诺或霞多丽,这样的酒精浓度在阳光明媚的加州是一个相对较低的标准。

    Part of the problem had to do with his long-standing advocacy , at RN74 , of a certain style of wine : He refused to stock Pinots or Chardonnays that clocked in at more than 14 % alcohol , a relatively low threshold in sunny California .