
  • 网络black whistle;referees;Black sentry post
  1. 司法介入足球黑哨的刑法分析

    A penal code analysis of judicial intervention in football black whistle

  2. 足球黑哨二元视角分析

    A Dualistic Analysis of " Black whistle " in the Football Field

  3. 昨天的比赛中又爆出了“黑哨”丑闻

    Unfair refereeing in yesterday 's match made the news again .

  4. 每堂训练课中要是遇到黑哨他绝不会轻易罢休。

    Every training session , the poor referee gets absolutely murdered .

  5. 对足球行业假球黑哨监管机制的研究

    Supervisory Mechanisms for Fake Match Score and Bribing Referee in Chinese Football Trade

  6. 黑哨问题的社会法探析

    A Comprehensive Social Law Analysis of Black Whistle

  7. 人们非常关注的足球黑哨问题,已被我国最高人民检察院确认为商业犯罪。

    Football " dark Whistle " has been regarded as commercial crime by our Supreme Court .

  8. 足球黑哨具有社会危害性,并已达到了犯罪程度。

    Football " Black Whistle " has social damage and has reached to the extent of crime .

  9. 黑哨、黑球与伤熊行为的刑法学思考

    Reflections on " Black Whistle ", " Black Ball " and " Black Bear " Acts in Criminal Jurisprudence

  10. 足球比赛中“黑哨”现象的存在,使《体育法》所预期的一些社会效果没有得到实现。

    In football match , the existence of Black Whistle makes the social effect that Sports Law anticipates not achieved .

  11. 而针对足球运动领域的黑哨行为,我国也陆续出台了一系列法律进行规范。

    Our government also gradually introduced a series of laws to regulate the Black Whistle behavior for the football field .

  12. 黑哨是指裁判员非法收受他人财物而在比赛中不公正履行裁判职责的行为。

    ' Black Whistle ' refers to the behaviors that the referees accept bribes and make unjust judgment in the competition .

  13. 你们最伟大的成就是靠鲁尼的假摔和裁判的黑哨阻止了阿森纳的不败神话。

    Your greatest achievement is on the rooney 's diving and referees 's black whistle stoped the arsenal 's unbeaten myth .

  14. 但是,聚焦现实的体育赛场,这里并不仅仅有歌颂也有恶鸣,例如:黑哨现象等邪恶势力的染指。

    However , focusing on realistic stadium , there are extol as well as evil . For instance , black whistle .

  15. 吹黑哨的足球裁判主要涉嫌受贿罪以及巨额财产来源不明罪。

    The football judges with black whistles are usually suspected of being involved in crimes of bribery and unknown source of huge property .

  16. 中国体育呼唤公平竞争的春天&从足球黑哨现象谈中国体育法制建设

    The Chinese Athletics Calls the Fair Competition & Need for the Chinese Athletics Legal System Construction Against " Football Black Whistle " Phenomenon

  17. 刑事立法与罪刑法定原则的冲突&由足球黑哨事件的处理谈起关于侵犯商业秘密罪立法上若干问题的思考

    Deviation of the Principle of Conviction from the Legislation of Criminal Laws Reflections over the problems in the legislation of laws against commercial espionage

  18. 体育暴力、使用兴奋剂、假球、黑哨和竞技体育赌博是竞技体育犯罪的主要表现形式。

    Physical violence , doping , " fixing ", " black whistle " and the sports gambling sports are the main manifestations of crime .

  19. 有人将兴奋剂、假球、黑哨列为体育的三大毒瘤,如今又可以加上另一个成员&球迷暴力。

    Some people stimulants , fixing , black whistle as the three major sports cancer , and now they can add another member-Fans of violence .

  20. 本文针对在我国各界引起重大反响的“黑哨”、“黑球”与“伤熊”行为进行了深入的刑法学思考。

    This is an article about " black-whistle "," black foot-ball " and " injuring bears ", which touch off heated debates in the country .

  21. 中国足球职业联赛近年来屡屡爆出假球黑哨的丑闻或遭强烈质疑,令球迷和关心足球发展的各界人士痛惜不已。

    Many unfair behaviors have emerged in Chinese professional football league matches in recent years , which grieves football funs and people concerned with football development .

  22. 例如,意大利人本来创造出了观赏足球的完美体验,但又用破旧的球场、足球流氓和假球黑哨破坏了这种体验。

    The Italians , for instance , created the perfect experience of watching football , but then wrecked it with decrepit stadiums , hooligans and match fixing .

  23. 假球、黑哨、暗箱操作、球场暴力及权力“越位”等违信现象,严重地阻碍着联赛市场化的发展。

    False ball , black whistle , camera bellows operation , ground violence and power " more " etc. These dishonest phenomena badly hamper the development of match market turning .

  24. 中国职业足球联赛中存在假球黑哨之成因不在于某一个人或某一部门,而原原本本在于我们每一个。

    The cause of " unfair play and judgment in the soccer field " existing in the Chinese Professional Football League can be discussed from every human being instead of a department .

  25. 黑哨行为不仅备受足球运动领域有关人士的关注,而且,在法学界亦为百家争鸣。

    The black sentry post behavior is not merely concerned by the domain relevant personages of football fully , and also in order to let a hundred schools contend in the law circle .

  26. 然而,假球、黑哨、兴奋剂等体育违法行为的愈演愈烈,体育内部处罚的失灵,从另一方面也预示着刑法介入体育领域将势在必行。

    However , the intension of match-fixing , Whistle , stimulants violations and the failure of internal punishment in the field of sports indicate that the criminal law should be involved in sports immediately .

  27. 要消灭黑哨现象,必须加强法律和规章的建设,对足协和裁判的权力实行有效的规制,使制造不公平者,受到公平的制裁。

    In order to eradicate the existence of Black Whistle , we must strengthen laws and regulations construction , stipulate the powers of FA and referee effectively , and impose sanction against the unfair-makers fairly .

  28. 在此部分笔者仅以目前最为常见的黑哨犯罪、兴奋剂犯罪、竞技中暴力行为为例,对此三类违法行为的现状、成因、违法性内涵等方面做具体的分析。

    In this section , the author present the most common crimes in athletic sports , such as " black whistle "、" stimulants " and " violence " to do a specific analysis of this three types of violations .

  29. 本文试图从竞技体育的法律地位及其刑法问题入手,对当前中国竞技体育领域内突出的黑哨、兴奋剂、暴力伤害问题为例进行重点的梳理。

    This paper attempts to start from the point of the legal status of the competitive sports and the criminal problems in it to analyze the issues such as " black whistle "," doping " and " violence " in China .

  30. 基于这个认识,作者以足球领域腐败现象的代表之一的黑哨作为选材,从法律角度进行了分析和思考,提出了建议。

    Based on this recognition , the author selects one representation of soccer corruption , which is " unjust referee ", as material and conducts analysis and thinking in the point of view of law , and puts forwards his suggestions .