
  • 网络The Woman in Black;Women in Black
  1. 《黑衣女人》要在各大影院上映了不要看见黑衣女人但是去看这部电影明天去看《黑衣女人》

    The Woman In Black opens in theatres . Don 't see it , but see it.See The Woman In Black tomorrow

  2. 这种崇拜从2012年Radcliffe拍摄JamesWatkins导演的作品恐怖片《黑衣女人》时就开始了。

    That admiration came about in 2012 , while Radcliffe was shooting the horror flick The Woman in Black with director James Watkins .

  3. 黑衣女人看着它。

    The Lady in Black looked at it .

  4. 在走廊尽头的房间里,黑衣女人静静地坐着。

    In the little room over the porch , the Lady in Black sat alone .

  5. 因为你想看电影中的黑衣女人但是在现实生活中你不想看到她

    Cause you want to see the movie , But in real life , you don 't want to see her

  6. 噢不《黑衣女人》是一部好电影你不想看到穿黑衣的女人

    Oh , no.The Woman In Black which is a great movie.You don 't want to see the woman in black

  7. 对黑衣女人来讲,这是一个痛苦的提醒,它让她想起另一个不在跟前的孩子。

    To the Lady in Black it was a yet more painful reminder of that other one who was not there .

  8. 虽然不知道她想要什么,但她&黑暗的幽灵,黑衣女人,总会回来的。然后,预告片在恐怖的旋律中结束。

    What she wants is unknown , but she always comes back , the spectre of darkness , the woman in black , 'the scary rhyme concludes .

  9. 他已经完成了“哈里•波特”系列影片“大结局”的拍摄,接下来将出演恐怖片《黑衣女人》。

    He has completed filming the last in the series of the Potter films and his next role will be in the ghost story " Woman in Black " .

  10. 他跟你提过一个穿黑衣的女人吗?

    Hadn 't he told you about a woman dressed in black ?

  11. 为什么要问关于穿黑衣的女人?

    Why asked about a woman dressed in black ?