
hēi àn shì jiè
  • Dark World;world without justice
  1. 上海一家影院以令人意想不到的方式,给电影《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor:TheDarkWorld)在全球造了势。

    A cinema in Shanghai has given the movie ' Thor : The Dark World ' an unexpected global marketing boost .

  2. 受国际市场增长和此前同系列电影所带来的新影迷提振,《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor:TheDarkWorld)在北美周末票房排行榜上拔得头筹。

    Boosted by international market growth and new fans brought in by recent films , ' Thor : The Dark World ' hammered the competition at the box office this weekend .

  3. 《雷神2:黑暗世界》良好的表现为Marvel忙碌的一周画上了句号。

    The performance caps a busy week for Marvel .

  4. 在北美市场,《雷神2:黑暗世界》成为Marvel首部周六票房好于周五的电影。

    Domestically , ' Thor : The Dark World ' became the first Marvel release to perform better on Saturday than on Friday , Mr. Hollis said .

  5. 我甚至就要去面对一个毫无意义的黑暗世界。

    And I 'm gonna go to an even darker place of nothingness .

  6. 美国:黑暗世界里唯一的一道曙光!

    America : The only ray of light in a dark dark world .

  7. 在黑暗世界和像我这样的幽灵之间有一场战争

    There 's a war going on between shadows and ghosts like me .

  8. 然而,在保证金贷款灰色市场的黑暗世界里,却没什么规则可言。

    In the murky world of grey-market margin lending , however , few rules apply .

  9. 电灯突然灭了。整个公馆立刻成了黑暗世界。

    Suddenly , the electric lights went out , and the whole compound was plunged into darkness .

  10. 地下还有一整个没被发现的世界,一个远离地表几年百年甚至上千年的黑暗世界。

    There 's a whole undiscovered world down there , a lightless place cut off from the surface for centuries , perhaps millennia .

  11. 人们会说,被派往黑暗世界心脏的可是美军的精锐,但他们却在毫无遮拦的恐怖氛围里滥杀无辜。

    America 's finest , it will be said , were sent into the heart of darkness and exposed to horrors that made them murder .

  12. 我相信,当你穿过黑暗世界的时候是脚步缓慢的,因为我在用祭日的乐曲拖拽着你的灵魂。

    I believe , it was slow when you being pushed into the darkness , because I singing a memorial song to let you turn back again and again .

  13. 我希望耆那教义的精神火把为踏上苦难,偏狭,无序之路的黑暗世界带来真理与和平共存的光亮。

    I hope this spiritual torch of Jain precepts will show light of truth and peaceful coexistence to the benighted world treading the path of bitterness , intolerance and discord .

  14. 法师和女巫在黑暗世界中都存在,他们中的确实有一些人能把自己变成动物的样子,但是决不可能拥有真正狼人的那种力量。

    Wizards and witches exist in the World of Darkness , and some of them can shapeshift into animal form , but none of them are true Garou with all the according powers .

  15. 在中国,为了满足似乎看不到尽头的消费者需求,每年都会新增数千块电影银幕。《雷神2:黑暗世界》在中国的开画票房达到1960万美元,超过了第一部《雷神》在中国的票房总收入。

    In China , where thousands of new screens are added each year in response to seemingly insatiable consumer demand , the $ 19.6 million opening weekend gross of the Thor sequel exceeded the gross for the entire Chinese theatrical run of the original .

  16. 多利克说,抑郁常常意味着感觉“迷失在你自己小小的消极而黑暗的世界里”。

    Being depressed can mean feeling " lost in your own small , negative , dark world , " Dowrick says .

  17. 一个黑暗的世界是我们的所有问题。

    A world of darkness is all of our problems .

  18. 让我们在黑暗的世界放纵!

    Let us in the dark world of indulgence !

  19. 黑暗中世界疯狂轮转窒息。

    Roaming around whirly world rough breath in dark .

  20. 一直在努力生存在这黑暗的世界中。

    Trying hard to survive in this dark world .

  21. 盲人生活在黑暗的世界里。

    The blind people live in a dark world .

  22. 黑暗遮盖世界之光;

    Light of the world by darkness slain ;

  23. 一个黑暗的世界,这绝不是终结!

    A world of darkness , which is not supposed the end for me !

  24. 那是一个永远黑暗的世界

    It 's a world of unrelenting darkness

  25. 在一个黑暗的世界里,我们都需要一点光明。

    In a world filled with darkness , we all need some kind of light .

  26. 是神主动进到黑暗的世界,把光明带给我们。

    What did God do ? He stepped into our darkness and gave us light .

  27. 于是疑虑黑暗的世界涌现了奇怪可怕的生物。

    Now this world of doubts and darkness gives birth to strange and hideous creatures .

  28. 当幽影荒野呈现出一道黑暗的世界回声时,即代表两者之间将出现重大的变动。

    While the Shadowfell presents a dark echo of the world , significant variations exist between the two .

  29. 显然,在我生活的寂静、黑暗的世界里,是没有强烈的柔情和关爱的。

    In the still , dark world in which I lived there was no strong sentiment or tenderness .

  30. 我们都需要一个蜕变的生活方式,如果我们要在黑暗的世界里发光。

    We all need a metamorphosis of lifestyle if we are to shine as lights in a dark world .