
  • 网络Black girl
  1. 这种防晒油的良好效果,使黑姑娘心服口服!

    This suntan lotion convinces the Black girl of its good effect .

  2. 也许她是个黑姑娘,正像村里人说的那样。但是,我只看到她那双小鹿般可爱的黑眼睛。

    She may be dark as they say in the village , but I have seen her black eyes and am glad .

  3. 村里人都叫她黑姑娘,可是在我心上,她却是一朵小花&一朵黑色的百合。

    HER neighbours call her dark in the village but she is a lily to my heart , yes , a lily though not fair .

  4. 一个长着大眼睛的害羞的黑皮肤姑娘。

    She is a shy black girl with big eyes .

  5. 那个黑头发姑娘坐在他们后一排。

    The girl with dark hair was sitting immediately behind .

  6. 你妈妈?黑头发姑娘问,关于这幽灵的事儿,你妈妈都知道些什么?

    ' Your mother ? ' the girl with black hair said . 'What does your mother know about the ghost ? '

  7. 天很黑,小姑娘不敢独自出门。

    Darkness frightened the little girl failed from going out by herself .

  8. 接待室里有一位身穿整齐的黑衣服的姑娘,坐在斯潘塞小姐的椅子上。

    That miss spencer 's chair in the reception office was occupied by a smartly dressed girl in black .

  9. 黑眼睛的吉卜赛姑娘,用华丽的手巾包着头,突然地闯了进来替人算命

    Black-eyed gipsy girls , hooded in showy handkerchiefs , sallied forth to tell fortunes .

  10. 他对穿黑长袜子的姑娘有偏爱。

    He has a thing about girls in black stockings .

  11. 之后他长大了,与一位黑眼睛的美丽姑娘结婚了,还育有两个孩子,一男一女。

    He grew up , married a beautiful , dark-eyed young woman , and fathered two children , a son and a daughter .

  12. 其中那位穿黑呢大衣的姑娘真美,一双亮晶晶杏核儿大眼,似湖?似星?

    Among them was a girl in a black wool overcoat . She was a real beauty , her almond-shaped eyes like pools of clear water or bright stars in the sky .