
  • 网络I want to eat;Me want food
  1. 不管你怎么样,反正我要吃点东西。

    I don 't know about you , but I 'm ready for something to eat .

  2. 傍晚的便餐我要吃点虾。

    I 'm going to have shrimps for my tea .

  3. “要吃什么?”保罗说。——“我要吃大比目鱼。”

    ' What 'll it be ? ' Paul said . — 'I 'm for halibut . '

  4. 我要吃麻辣烫和火锅的挖,这个脸怎么办啊

    I should eat hemp hot iron and of chaffy dish dig , how does this face do ?

  5. 今天他告诉我要吃犹太教食物。

    Today he told me he wants me to keep kosher .

  6. 你这个坏海龟。我要吃了你。

    You are a bad tortoise . I 'll eat you .

  7. 我要吃肯德基和麦当劳,呵呵!

    I 'll eat KFC and McDonald 's it , Ha ha !

  8. 不,我要吃火腿和蛋取代。

    No , I 'm going to have ham and eggs instead .

  9. 但是,爸,我要吃热狗嘛!

    ALI : But , Father , I want a hot dog !

  10. 我要吃了这个女孩和她的祖母。

    I want to eat the girl and her grandmother .

  11. 是的,我要吃些鸡肉。

    Yes , please . I 'd like some chicken .

  12. 管他什么瓤冬菇盒呢我要吃晚餐

    I don 't want a mushroom . I want a dinner .

  13. 狼在后面大声喊:哈哈,小兔子,我要吃了你!

    Oh , a little rabbit ! This is my favorite food !

  14. 新鲜速达我要吃水果

    Flown in fresh ! Me ! Me ! I want fruit !

  15. 我要吃整个的蛋糕和甜圈。

    I want to eat wheel cakes and doughnuts .

  16. 当我要吃晚餐的时候。

    When I 'm trying to have my dinner .

  17. 我要吃两匙糖,其中一匙是为了走好运。

    I 'll have two spoonsful of sugar , and one for luck .

  18. 大山:我要吃什么药来退烧呢?

    Dashan : What should I take for it ?

  19. “我要吃红色的食物!”本说。

    " And I 'm going to eat red food !" said Ben .

  20. 今天晚餐我要吃汗牛排。

    I 'd like to have a thick juicy steak for dinner tonight .

  21. 我要吃削了皮的地瓜。

    I want to eat a peeled sweet potato .

  22. 我要吃最好的冰激凌。

    I want to eat the best ice cream .

  23. 早晨,我要吃一些太阳汉堡当早餐。

    In the morning , I will have some sun burger for my breakfast .

  24. 我要吃荷包蛋。

    I want to have them sunyside up .

  25. 我要吃水果和生日蛋糕。

    I want fruits and a birthday cake .

  26. 这些我要吃多少?

    How many of these should I take ?

  27. 不!我要吃我的起司汉堡!

    No ! I 'll have a cheeseburger !

  28. 奶奶,我要吃饼干。

    I want a cookie , Mee-Maw .

  29. “我要吃的,我肚子饿,”伽弗洛什毫不含糊地回答。

    " The matter with me is that I am hungry ," replied Gavroche frankly .

  30. 难道我要吃公牛的肉吗?要喝公山羊的血吗?

    Will I eat the flesh of bulls , or drink the blood of goats ?